Black Necked Stilt

Black Necked Stilt

They migrate at coast mud flats. The Black Necked Stilt eats aquatic invertebrates and tadpoles and small fish. Where the Black Necked Stilts live is in open country inland ponds and lakes. The Black Necked Stilts use their long thin legs which are ideal for wading in shallow waters while foraging for food.They also use their partially webbed toes to help them swim in deeper water to search for marine invertebrates and insects. The Black Necked Stilts will use anything they will find around their home especially sticks. These amazing birds are black above and white below. also with white around the eye and rosy pink legs. And the 6.6oz mass.During the breeding season they are are scattered in small colonies from potholes reservoir in central Washington north to Oklahoma country. A black necked still is found in Estuarine, lacustrine salt pond and emergent wetland habitats; it is generally a lowland bird but in central America has been found up to 8,200 ft (2,500 m) ASL and commonly seen in llanos habitat in northern America. It is also found in seasonally flooded wetlands.

Migration path

blacked necked stillts are found on the margins of shallow inland ponds and lakes in open country.they are often associated with American Avocets,but will also use wetlands with more emergent vegetation such as flooded fields.During migration,Black necked stills may visit Costal mud flats.