Bald Eagle

About Bald Eagles

The bald eagle is also known as the national bird of the united states.Bald eagles nest is called an Aerie. A typical nest will range from 1.8 to 3 meters(6 to 10 feet) . A bald eagle usually migrates in the south. A bald eagle migrates during the fall because they do not want to migrate when it becomes the winter.


Bald eagles migrate south in the fall to areas with sufficient food and will return north during the spring to nest. They migrate where their food is sufficient because they need to survive when they migrate. When a bird migrates it flies away from its nest so they are not as cold during the winter. When they return to their nest, the female get ready to reproduce eggs. Once they produce eggs, the eggs hatch so they also migrate when it is time to return to migration. It migrates from their home and stops somewhere in the south.

Lifestyle of A Bald Eagle

A bald eagle's nest can be as big as a Queen size bed because their wings might be spread out and the bald eagles are always living where they were born at (their nest). When they become an adult, they will still live in their nest. When the female produce their offspring , their offspring will live there. It is like their nest is being past down from generation to generation. A bald eagle eats waterfowl, and small mammals such as squirrels, and even prairie dogs. A bald eagle survives by hunting for food , going through a complete life cycle, migrating when they need to, and by being able to live in their environment (habitat). If they do not have any of these things , they will not be able to survive and soon they will decompose.

Johns Bunker Sands Wetland Center Eagles

A bald eagle protects its babies when it is born because they need to know how to survive. They have to be able to learn how to survive by either watching or their parents have taught their offspring.