Wellness Reminder: When to Keep Your Student Home
It is imperative that if you suspect your child/children are sick, you keep them home from school. Please do not give them Tylenol, Advil, Motrin, etc. and send them to school.
It is not uncommon for a student to come to the health office and say they do not feel well, but there are no signs of temperature or other symptoms. Sometimes fever is the only symptom that will show an illness. If you have given them Tylenol, Advil, Motrin, etc. in the morning, they probably will not show a fever until the afternoon, meanwhile infecting everyone they come in contact with.
If your child is suspected of having Strep Throat, Please keep your child/children home until you receive the results of both the rapid and the 24-hour throat swabs.
Once your child/children are diagnosed with strep throat, they must be on antibiotics for 24 hours before returning to school. Additionally, your child/children must be without fever and on NO fever reducing medication (tylenol, advil, ibuprofen, motrin, etc) for at least 24 hours before returning to school.
Lastly, if your child/children have vomited last evening, or before school, please keep them home at least 24 hours from the last time they vomited. If your child has multiple episodes of diarrhea, they should stay home as well.
As a reminder, if you have a new phone number (home/work/cell) or email address, please update your information in Genesis so we have the most current information on file.
I appreciate your cooperation and hope this will help keep your children and the school community healthy.