Creating Lesson Plans


Now that we've explored to power of primary source materials and how the can energize curricula for greater connections, increased inquiry, and enhanced curiosity, you are tasked with the following challenge:

Create an original lesson plan that creates an opportunity for inquiry by utilizing a series of primary sources from the Library of Congress and the International Museum of World War II.

By the time we meet again this upcoming school year, we will each be able to discuss these plans in greater detail--including how they went!

Below are two lesson planning templates, a constructivist one and a CIP one, complete with primary source bibliographic organizers. Please choose whichever aligns with your teaching style. Below the templates, please also see a sample lesson plan.

Lesson Planning Tool (Constructivist with questions)
TPS - Lesson Planning Tool CIP Blank Template

Sample Lesson Plan:

Sample Lesson Plan - WWII

Click above to access a teacher's guide on using various STEAM sources in the classroom.

Copy of TPS - Lesson Planning Tool WWII