Required Pre-Work

For our Archived 2017 Summer Sessions

The following self-paced "Introduction to the Library of Congress" lesson is required pre-work for any of the sessions.

  1. Please click here to complete the required Introduction to the Library of Congress module. Once on the page, click "start here" to begin the interactive module. It will introduce the Library of Congress as a resource for teachers, provide ideas for the classroom, and explain what a primary source is. Please also note: the interactive module might not work with all browsers. You may want to use Chrome.
  2. After the lesson above, please also read "Why Use Primary Sources," a good read from the Library of Congress on why you should use primary sources in education.
  3. Next, please read "Using Primary Sources," a helpful guide from the Library of Congress on how to use primary sources with your classroom.

For further exploration, additional online modules can be found here: .

Among the additional modules, "Supporting Inquiry with Primary Sources" and "Finding Primary Sources" may prove most useful, though each module speaks to a valuable skill set.