Welcome to the MacEmerg Podcast. This page will be updated monthly with a new episode featuring the expertise, talents, and quirks of our McMaster Emergency Medicine Physicians. 

From Niagara to Brampton, from the ivories in Hamilton to the community shops all around - we will plan to bring you some interesting new insights and stories from our Mac affiliated faculty members and trainees. 

You can find us in the Apple Podcast Store by searching "MacEmerg" or on iTunes at this link and on Stitcher. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud, or Google Podcasts. We are also on iHeartRadio!

To listen RIGHT NOW: 

You can also simply click on the SoundCloud box below for each episode and listen straight from your browser!

Want to join in? 

Email us at MacEmergPodcast@gmail.com.

We welcome feedback and suggestions! Also, please let us know if you would like to contribute or edit for our volunteer team!

Episode 49 - MacEmerg Podcast Revamp - Toxic Shock Syndrome & Supraglottic Airways

Dec 11, 2023
Welcome to Episode 49 of our MacEmerg podcast.

In this episode:
1) We discuss a case of Toxic Shock Syndrome, which has been one of those scary presentations on the rise in our EDs!


2) Then we have Dr. Ben Forstell discussing his new paper on the use of Supraglottic Airway vs Tracheal Intubation in Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest. 

Full link: https://journals.lww.com/ccmjournal/abstract/9900/supraglottic_airway_versus_tracheal_intubation_for.237.aspx

Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 48 - Whatever happened to... Blair Bigham! & TTC - Curriculum & Leadership

March 27, 2023
Welcome to Episode 48 of our MacEmerg podcast.

In this episode:
1) In this episode we feature Dr. Blair Bigham - journalist, intensivist, and emergency physician. Blair is interviewed by Dr. Teresa Chan about his adventures after graduation and what he's been working on lately around Digital Scholarship and healthcare advocacy!

2) Then we have Drs. Alim Nagji and Teresa Chan for a segment of Teaching that counts, speaking specifically about Curriculum Leadership

ALSO, make sure to check out our new DIY Mentorship Playbook - on sale now! https://www.macpfd.ca/modalities/coaching-mentorship/1on1-diy-mentorship-playbook

SHOW NOTES (pending)

Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 47 - Tech and the Future of EM

February 16, 2023

Welcome to Episode 47 of our MacEmerg podcast. Please take a moment to complete our survey, sharing with us your thoughts on our podcast! This will help us continue to make quality content best suited for our listeners!

In this episode:

In this episode we feature a panel discussion that was co-hosted by Drs. Teresa Chan and Kevin Dong, and featuring Sarrah Lal (Director of the Velocity incubator and newest non-clinician members of the DoM EM division) and Dr. Christian Rose (Stanford University). Together they discuss the future of technology and emergency medicine.

ALSO, make sure to check out our new DIY Mentorship Playbook - on sale now! https://www.macpfd.ca/modalities/coaching-mentorship/1on1-diy-mentorship-playbook

SHOW NOTES (pending)

Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 46 - How the Military Prepared Me for EM

Friday January 13, 2023

Welcome to Episode 46 of our MacEmerg podcast. Please take a moment to complete our survey, sharing with us your thoughts on our podcast! This will help us continue to make quality content best suited for our listeners!

In this episode:

Our newest resident correspondent (Dr. Gurinder Sandhu) interviews two of his PGY1 co-residents (Dr. Tabitha MacGuire & Dr. G. Garrett McDougall) who have had experience in the military prior to residency. Together they explore what elements of military life have informed their approach to emergency medicine.

ALSO, make sure to check out our new DIY Mentorship Playbook - on sale now! https://www.macpfd.ca/modalities/coaching-mentorship/1on1-diy-mentorship-playbook

SHOW NOTES (pending)

Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Special Episode - Tales from the Frontline!

Thursday November 24, 2022

This month we are giving a bit of our space to a few med student colleagues of ours who have been working alongside our own Dr. Ben Forestell to create a really neat reflection about the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Novel Coronavirus 19 pandemic is an event to be remembered in the history books, the epidemiology texts, and healthcare seminars. The global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been discussed endlessly since early 2020. Frontline workers have been reported on extensively but what about their own stories? 

In this episode:

Tales from the Frontline brings us back to the dawning of the epidemic through the lens of three emergency physicians – Dr. Teresa Chan, Dr. Kevin Dong and Dr. Jonathan Sherbino. The podcast explores the origins of the pandemic and initial reactions by providers to the news. The uncertainty is palpable, fear is brewing, and no one knows how long this will go on for.  

In this stand-alone special, we take you back to March 2020. The pandemic has arrived, and with it questions around transmission and severity abound. There is no playbook and policies change every day in the emergency room. As the cases grow, emergency physicians become increasingly aware of their role in fighting this virus as frontline healthcare workers. The perspectives provided by the doctors in the episode will give audiences a better understanding of what it felt like to be part of the initial task force that faced the virus head on. With the sounds of the emergency room in your ears, our experts bring you right into the doctor’s charting room during this time.

Narrated and written by Katie van Kampen, a third year medical student and storyteller, the podcast grew from a love of narratives and wanting to give doctors a platform to reflect on the origins of the pandemic.

Note: All the news clips are used within fair use copyright laws as a remix of individual clips, and used for commentary purposes.

ALSO, make sure to check out our new DIY Mentorship Playbook - on sale now! https://www.macpfd.ca/modalities/coaching-mentorship/1on1-diy-mentorship-playbook

SHOW NOTES (pending)

Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 44

Monday September 13, 2022

Welcome to Episode 44 of our MacEmerg podcast. Please take a moment to complete our survey, sharing with us your thoughts on our podcast! This will help us continue to make quality content best suited for our listeners!

In this episode:

1) Whatever happened to.... Glen Bandiera! Teresa Chan connects with one of our McMaster FRCPC Emergency Medicine program alumni.

ALSO, make sure to check out our new DIY Mentorship Playbook - on sale now! https://www.macpfd.ca/modalities/coaching-mentorship/1on1-diy-mentorship-playbook


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 43

Monday August 1, 2022

Welcome to Episode 43 of our MacEmerg podcast. Please take a moment to complete our survey, sharing with us your thoughts on our podcast! This will help us continue to make quality content best suited for our listeners!

In this episode:

1) Whatever happened to... Dr. Teresa Chan interviews Dr. Josh Williams - one of our MacEmerg alumni - who has gone on to take on new challenges at new heights in Kelowna, BC.

2) Dr. Ben Forestell interviews Dr. Sara Alavian, recent winner of the CAEP FRCPC Resident Leadership Award.

ALSO, make sure to check out our new DIY Mentorship Playbook - on sale now! https://www.macpfd.ca/modalities/coaching-mentorship/1on1-diy-mentorship-playbook


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 42

Friday July 1, 2022

Welcome to Episode 42 of our MacEmerg podcast. Please take a moment to complete our survey, sharing with us your thoughts on our podcast! This will help us continue to make quality content best suited for our listeners!

In this episode:

1) We hear from Dr. Kevin Dong about his reflections about making the hard call when in clinical decision-making;

2) Dr. Ben Forestell & Dr. Devon Stride reflect upon their experiences with Rural EM.

ALSO, make sure to check out our new DIY Mentorship Playbook - on sale now! https://www.macpfd.ca/modalities/coaching-mentorship/1on1-diy-mentorship-playbook


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 41

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Welcome to Episode 41 of our MacEmerg podcast. Please take a moment to complete our survey, sharing with us your thoughts on our podcast! This will help us continue to make quality content best suited for our listeners!

In this episode:

1) We hear from Dr. Clare Wallner about the development of the international award-winning card-based serious game called TriagED (sister game of similarly famous GridlockED). You can find out more about TriageED (including how to buy it) at: www.gridlockedgame.com/triaged-game

ALSO, make sure to check out our new DIY Mentorship Playbook - on sale now! https://www.macpfd.ca/modalities/coaching-mentorship/1on1-diy-mentorship-playbook


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 40

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Welcome to Episode 40 of our MacEmerg podcast. Please take a moment to complete our survey, sharing with us your thoughts on our podcast! This will help us continue to make quality content best suited for our listeners!

In this episode:

1) We receive an update from Dr. Alim Pardhan about the EPIC journey he is taking the Hamilton Health Sciences Crew!

2) Resident Corner features Dr. Katie Hayes talking about the CCFP-EM program here at McMaster.

ALSO, make sure to check out our new DIY Mentorship Playbook - on sale now! https://www.macpfd.ca/modalities/coaching-mentorship/1on1-diy-mentorship-playbook


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 39

Friday, April 1, 2022

Welcome to Episode 39 of our MacEmerg podcast. Please take a moment to complete our survey, sharing with us your thoughts on our podcast! This will help us continue to make quality content best suited for our listeners!

In this episode:

1) We explore the nature of night-time work in EM with Dr. Alim Pardhan, Dean Vlahaki, Joanna Mahn and Greg Rutledge.

2) Resident Corner features some reflections on the legendarily gruelling Royal College examination process with Drs. Spencer Sample and Chad Singh - two of our PGY4s who are the lead year of our Competence by Design cohort.

Apple store link: apps.apple.com/ca/app/canadiem/id1596525775

Google Play store link:


ALSO, make sure to check out our new DIY Mentorship Playbook - on sale now!


ALSO, make sure to check out our new DIY Mentorship Playbook - on sale now! https://www.macpfd.ca/modalities/coaching-mentorship/1on1-diy-mentorship-playbook

p.s. Don't forget to take our survey ;)


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 38

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Welcome to Episode 38 of our MacEmerg podcast. Please take a moment to complete our survey, sharing with us your thoughts on our podcast! This will help us continue to make quality content best suited for our listeners!

In this episode:

1) Dr. James Leung explains what we can do to enhance Paediatric preparedness

2) Dr. Monika Bilic tells the story behind the CanadiEM Junior Learner Primer in this month's resident's corner. This is a free app that has been generously supported by the Government of Ontario's Virtual Learning Strategy program from eCampus Ontario

Apple store link: apps.apple.com/ca/app/canadiem/id1596525775

Google Play store link:


ALSO, make sure to check out our new DIY Mentorship Playbook - on sale now!


ALSO, make sure to check out our new DIY Mentorship Playbook - on sale now! https://www.macpfd.ca/modalities/coaching-mentorship/1on1-diy-mentorship-playbook

p.s. Don't forget to take our survey ;)


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 37

Tuesday, February 2, 2022

Welcome to Episode 37 of our MacEmerg podcast. Please take a moment to complete our survey, sharing with us your thoughts on our podcast! This will help us continue to make quality content best suited for our listeners!

In this episode:

1) Dr. Alim Pardhan discusses what leadership lessons he's learned from watching some popular culture!!

2) Dr. Rafi Setrak waxes philosophical about his experiences in the frontlines and the board room managing COVID-19;

3) Dr. Frank Battaglia highlights some ways in which residents can engage in leadership!

ALSO, make sure to check out our new DIY Mentorship Playbook - on sale now!

p.s. Don't forget to take our survey ;)


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 36

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Welcome to Episode 36 of our MacEmerg podcast. Please take a moment to complete our survey, sharing with us your thoughts on our podcast! This will help us continue to make quality content best suited for our listeners!

In this episode:

1) Dr. Farhan Pervaiz reflects on his journey so far as an early career clinical researcher

2) Dr. Rano discusses sports psychology and its applicability to medicine in our resident's corner segment!

ALSO, make sure to check out our new DIY Mentorship Playbook - on sale now!

p.s. Don't forget to take our survey ;)

SHOW NOTES (pending)

Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 35

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Welcome to Episode 35 of our MacEmerg podcast. Please take a moment to complete our survey, sharing with us your thoughts on our podcast! This will help us continue to make quality content best suited for our listeners!

In this episode:

1) Dr. Kevin Dong walks us through another cool case! Tune in to hear more about it!

2) Dr. Ben Forestell returns to speak with Dr. Maggie Vincent to continue their conversation on wellness in our Residents Corner!

ALSO, make sure to check out our new DIY Mentorship Playbook - on sale now!

p.s. Don't forget to take our survey ;)

SHOW NOTES (pending)

Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 34

Monday, November 1, 2021

Welcome to Episode 34 of our MacEmerg podcast. Please take a moment to complete our survey, sharing with us your thoughts on our podcast! This will help us continue to make quality content best suited for our listeners!

In this episode:

1) Dr. Christian Rose speaks about clinical informatics and all the cool ways it can be used to help deliver and provide patient care!

2) Dr. Maggie Vincent speaks to our resident corner team about the ways she incorporates and views wellness, providing a realistic lens into how wellness can be achieved. 

ALSO, make sure to check out our new DIY Mentorship Playbook - on sale now!

p.s. Don't forget to take our survey ;)


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 33

Friday, October 1, 2021

Welcome to Episode 33 of our MacEmerg podcast. Please take a moment to complete our survey, sharing with us your thoughts on our podcast! This will help us continue to make quality content best suited for our listeners!

In this episode:

1) Dr. Teresa Chan speaks with Dr. Richard Lanoix, an EM physician who wrote his own book! Through the podcast we will learn more about the book and his process!

2) Dr. Forestell speaks with Dr. Ian Jones (PGY1-EM resident) about his PGY1 year and his Addictions Needs Assessment project!

ALSO, make sure to check out our new DIY Mentorship Playbook - on sale now!

p.s. Don't forget to take our survey ;)


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 32

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Welcome to Episode 32 of our MacEmerg podcast. Please take a moment to complete our survey, sharing with us your thoughts on our podcast! This will help us continue to make quality content best suited for our listeners!

In this episode:

1) Dr. Howard Owens speaks with our team about healthcare leadership and building teams

2) Dr. Forestell speaks with Dr. Laura Olejnik (PGY3 EM resident) about her awesome research project and how PGY3 is going!

ALSO, make sure to check out our new DIY Mentorship Playbook - on sale now!

AND check out our Mac Emerg 10EMConference!

p.s. Don't forget to take our survey ;)


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 31

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Welcome to Episode 31 of our MacEmerg podcast. Please take a moment to complete our survey, sharing with us your thoughts on our podcast! This will help us continue to make quality content best suited for our listeners!

In this episode:

1) Dr. Dong walks us through a very interesting case of a women presenting with neck pain that he saw in the ED!

2) Dr. Hsien Seow speaks about their podcast,  "the waiting room revolution" and how it has impacted the experiences of families dealing with palliative care!

3) Dr. Chad Singh speaks to us about his amazing experiences in the TTL rotation!

ALSO, make sure to check out our new DIY Mentorship Playbook - on sale now!

p.s. Don't forget to take our survey ;)


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 30

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Welcome to Episode 30 of our MacEmerg podcast. Please take a moment to complete our survey, sharing with us your thoughts on our podcast! This will help us continue to make quality content best suited for our listeners!

In this episode:

1) Dr. Chan interviews Dr. Mike Gisondi about his new open access modules on LGBTQIA+ education for educators!

2) Dr. Chan interviews Drs. Sim Sandhanwalia, Raj Grewal, and Dash Sehdev about their experiences with the COVID-19 South Asian Task force and #ThisIsOurShot campaign

3) Dr. Ben Forestell speak with Dr. Jana Balakumaran about how you can get involved with research as a junior learner!

ALSO, make sure to check out our new DIY Mentorship Playbook - on sale now!

p.s. Don't forget to take our survey ;)


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 29

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Welcome to Episode 29 of our MacEmerg podcast. Please take a moment to complete our survey, sharing with us your thoughts on our podcast! This will help us continue to make quality content best suited for our listeners!

In this episode:

1) Dr. Amna Zaki talks about the amazing work she is doing as a coroner and her transition from the ED to this role!

2) Dr. Beatrix Berczi speaks with the residents corner team about personal finances and how you can plan your early career to have the financial freedom as you move into more senior roles/positions!

ALSO, make sure to check out our new DIY Mentorship Playbook - on sale now!

p.s. Don't forget to take our survey ;)


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 28

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Welcome to Episode 28 of our MacEmerg podcast. Please take a moment to complete our survey, sharing with us your thoughts on our podcast! This will help us continue to make quality content best suited for our listeners!

Click on this link below to complete the survey:


In this episode:

1) Dr. Teresa Chan speaks with Dr. Barry Lumb about the integration of EPIC at HHS and what opportunities digital transformation offers!

2) Dr. Ben Forestell speaks with Dr. Kathryn Chan and Dr. Maggie Vincent about the IDEA (inclusion, diversity, equity and anti-racism) committee and all the amazing work being done at MacEmerg and across McMaster!

ALSO, make sure to check out our new DIY Mentorship Playbook - on sale now!

Make sure to check out the Gritty Nurse podcast!

p.s. Don't forget to take our survey ;)


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 27

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Welcome to Episode 27 of our MacEmerg podcast. Please take a moment to complete our survey, sharing with us your thoughts on our podcast! This will help us continue to make quality content best suited for our listeners!

Click on this link below to complete the survey:


In this episode:

1) Dr. Eve Purdy speaks with Dr. Teresa Chan about her interests in understanding team culture and how medical/organizational Anthropology fits in with Emergency Medicine!

2) Medical students Etri and Stephanie interview Dr's. Spencer Sample, Chad Singh and Frank Battaglia to learn more about the MacEmerg program and the residents favourite aspects of the program leading up to the rank order submission for CaRMS!

link to articles and books cited by Dr. Eve Purdy

ALSO, make sure to check out our new DIY Mentorship Playbook - on sale now! 


p.s. Don't forget to take our survey ;)


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 26

Monday, March 1, 2021

Welcome to Episode 26 of our MacEmerg podcast. Please take a moment to complete our survey, sharing with us your thoughts on our podcast! This will help us continue to make quality content best suited for our listeners!

Click on this link below to complete the survey:


In this episode:

1) Lyndon George speaks with our team about the impact of race in healthcare and the need for advocacy. We also have Dr. Madeleine Verhovsek sharing her experiences as a hematologist working with patients with sickle-cell disease and the impact of race on patients experiences!

2) Dr. Lauren Beals and Dr. Ben Forestell present a very high yield segment on how best to prepare for your CaRMS interviews for all the clerks tuning in! 

ALSO, make sure to check out our new DIY Mentorship Playbook - on sale now!


p.s. Don't forget to take our survey ;)


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 25

Monday, February 1, 2021

Welcome to Episode 25 of our MacEmerg podcast. Please take a moment to complete our survey, sharing with us your thoughts on our podcast! This will help us continue to make quality content best suited for our listeners!

Click on this link below to complete the survey:


In this episode:

1) We have Dr. Kevin Dong walking us through a very interesting case of a patient presenting with chlorine gas exposure. Tune in to learn all the pearls of this unique presentation and its management!

2) Dr. Lauren Beals speaks with Dr. Jada Fitzpatrick about the importance of wellness, and the issue of burnout in the ED!

ALSO, make sure to check out our new DIY Mentorship Playbook - on sale now!


p.s. Don't forget to take our survey ;)


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 24

Friday, January 1, 2021

Welcome to Episode 24 of our MacEmerg podcast. Please take a moment to complete our survey, sharing with us your thoughts on our podcast! This will help us continue to make quality content best suited for our listeners!

Click on this link below to complete the survey:


In this episode:

1) We have Dr. Teresa Chan talking with Dr. Alim Nagji about changes that have taken place within the EM clerkship curriculum at McMaster to adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic!

2) Dr. Lauren Beals and Dr. Ben Forestell are back with another action packed episode of CaRMS Cast!

From the MacEmerg Podcast team, Happy New Years! Sit back, relax and enjoy this months episode!

p.s. Don't forget to take our survey ;)


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 23

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Welcome to Episode 23 of our MacEmerg podcast. Please take a moment to complete our survey, sharing with us your thoughts on our podcast! This will help us continue to make quality content best suited for our listeners!

Click on this link below to complete the survey:


In this episode:

1) We had the pleasure of hearing Dr. Alim Pardhan, Dr. Kelly Van Diepen and Dr. Frank Battaglia speak with Dr. Spencer Sample about what makes Mac Emerg so great and a place where you would want to train!

2) Dr. Alim Nagji and Dr. Teresa Chan also provide some valuable pearls about how we can maximize the use of FOAMed in bedside teaching and how to make sure the resources you use are the best for your learners.

p.s. Don't forget to take our survey ;)


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 22

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Welcome to Episode 22 of our MacEmerg podcast. Please take a moment to complete our survey, sharing with us your thoughts on our podcast! This will help us continue to make quality content best suited for our listeners!

Click on this link below to complete the survey:


In this episode:

1) We had the pleasure of hearing from Dr. Carys Massarella - long time leader and advocate here in Hamilton, ON. Dr. Massarella speaks about her journey as a leader - and the story behind her passion for working within the transgendered community.

2)CaRMS Cast is back with PGY1s Ben Forestell and Lauren Beals talking about this years highly unusual CaRMS process, giving high yield pearls along the way!

p.s. Don't forget to take our survey ;)


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 21

Wednesday, October 1, 2020

Welcome to Episode 21 of our MacEmerg podcast. Please take a moment to complete our survey, sharing with us your thoughts on our podcast! This will help us continue to make quality content best suited for our listeners!

Click on this link below to complete the survey:


In this episode:

1) Dr. Lisa Calder, who recently became the CEO of CMPA, speaks about her life beyond medicine and how her career has shaped out, passing on wisdom that would be useful for all listeners!

2) Our new PGY1's Ben Forestell and Lauren Beals speak about tips they have for medical students applying to CaRMS (and in particular for those interested in EM :D)

p.s. Don't forget to take our survey ;)


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 20

Monday, September 1, 2020

Welcome to Episode 20 of our MacEmerg podcast. Please take a moment to complete our survey, sharing with us your thoughts on our podcast! This will help us continue to make quality content best suited for our listeners!

Click on this link below to complete the survey:


In this episode:

1) Dr. Spencer Sample speaks with our all-star PGY1's Dr. Battalgia, Dr. Vincent and Dr. Mansi about how they have found their transition to residency thus far!

2) Dr. Teresa Chan interviews Dr. Alim Pardhan, discussing the DO's and DON'Ts of writing reference letters for prospective applicants!

p.s. Don't forget to take our survey ;)


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 19

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Welcome to Episode 19 of our MacEmerg podcast. Please take a moment to complete our survey, sharing with us your thoughts on our podcast! This will help us continue to make quality content best suited for our listeners!

Click on this link below to complete the survey:


In this episode:

1) Dr. Teresa Chan interviews Dr. Tim O'Shea about his work within health advocacy for his patients in Hamilton via the HAMSMaRT (Hamilton Social Medicine Response Team) program. This program is comprised of a team of dedicated health care providers seeking to ensure quality health care to Hamiltonians wherever and whoever they may be.

2)Guest star Dr. Krista Dowhos (PGY-3, CCFP-EM) is back again for another edition of Teaching that Counts with co-hosts Alim Nagji and Teresa Chan.

3) Resident's Corner section features Dr. Joana Dida interviewing Drs. Ben Forestell and Lauren Beals (new PGY1s in the RCPSC program) who are the co-founders of ClerkCast - a limited series that they designed for CanadiEM.org. Find out more about what these talented trainees have to say about the origins of this series.

p.s. Don't forget to take our survey.


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 18

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Welcome to Episode 18 of our MacEmerg podcast. Please take a moment to complete our survey, sharing with us your thoughts on our podcast! This will help us continue to make quality content best suited for our listeners!

Click on this link below to complete the survey:


In this episode:

1) Dr. Brendon Trotter interviews Dr. Kashif Pirzada who speaks about the amazing grassroot initiatives that have taken place during the COVID-19 pandemic. Mixed in this amazing interview are tips on how YOU can start your own start-up initiative!

2) Drs. Teresa Chan and Alim Nagji talk with incoming EM+1 resident Dr. Krista Dowhos in a ‘Teaching That Counts’ segment focused on understanding how to approach feedback and get the most out of it!

3) Our very own Dr. Joana Dida is interviewed by colleague Dr. Spencer Sample in this month’s episode of Residents Corner, where Dr. Dida speaks about her experiences as a PGY3 and what it means to transition from a junior to senior resident!


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 17

Monday, June 1, 2020

Welcome to Episode 17 of our MacEmerg podcast. Firstly, we would like to invite you to all to participate in our first ever MacEmerg Podcast Survey. Please share with us your thoughts on our podcast!

Click on this link below to complete the survey:


In this episode:

1) Dr. Kevin Dong interviews Dr. Teresa Chan about the rise in use of Social Media within medicine. No longer can we ignore that this is a key way that we are learning as physicians and healthcare providers in the modern world.

2) Dr. Allison Yantzi speaks to Dr. Joana Dida in a segment for Resident's Corner about Parental leave during residency.


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 16

Wednesday, May 1, 2020

1) Dr. Kevin Dong interviews Dr. James Leung on the in situ simulation procedures used by the McMaster Children's Hospital Simulation team.

2) Our residents (Drs. Joana Dida, Laila Nasser, Tara Stratton, Noorin Walji, Mark Hewitt, Jada Fitzpatrick, Alvin Chin) discuss how they are dealing and de-stressing during the COVID-19 pandemic.

3) We also feature another Teaching that Counts (segment 8)by Drs. Alim Nagji and Teresa Chan, this time featuring how we can support our learners either online (for our medical students) and our residents who are still in our clinical spaces.


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Special Episode (Ep15.75)

Friday, April 24, 2020

Alert! This is a special episode of MacEmerg Podcast. 

Dr. Kevin Dong (MacEmerg producer) recently invited in situ and quality improvement leaders from Hamilton area EDs to talk about how they are using simulation to educate and improve COVID-19 preparedness.

The doctors in this episode include Alex Chorley (HHS), Michael Ha (SJHH), Chris Heyd (HHS), and Shawn Mondoux (SJHH). They discuss how they used various new forms of simulation to test new protocols, trial donning/doffing procedures, identify latent safety threats, and engage in virtual simulation.

Listen now to find out what they have to share.


the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Special Episode (Ep15.5)

Monday, April 13, 2020

Alert! This is a special episode of MacEmerg Podcast. 

HFAM (Hamilton Family Medicine) Advanced Care Planning/Goals fo Care Task Force has been working hard to advocate for our most vulnerable patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the most important topics of discussion is about Advanced Care Planning and how this will be extremely vital to the Goals of Care of our patients if they arrive in the ED and unwell from the virus. We need to talk about this NOW and all Primary Care and Specialty Physicians should discuss this with their most high-risk patients and their families.

Dr. Kevin Dong (MacEmerg host & producer) recently invited Dr. Erin Gallagher and Dr. James Williams who are both Family and Palliative Care Physicians to speak with him on this topic. Not only are these three experts on this present topic, but they are also extremely passionate about ensuring that this conversations go well. Listen now as they provide their insights and pearls on this extremely important topic.


the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 15

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Welcome to Episode 15 of our MacEmerg podcast. In this episode we feature:

1) Our residents give us an update about all the really amazing things they've been doing to support front-line workers in this age of COVID-19.

2) Dr. Ari Greenwald shares his perspective on the COVID-19 pandemic.

3) Dr. Jonathan Edlow's Regional Rounds recap is presented (to give us all a much needed a break from COVID-19 content).

4)We also feature another Teaching that Counts (segment 7) by Drs. Alim Nagji and Teresa Chan. This time they discuss psychological safety.


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Special Episode (Ep14.5)

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Alert! This is a special episode of MacEmerg Podcast. Today on March 26, 2020, our own Dr. Teresa Chan hosted the Department of Medicine's Chair's Rounds with Dr. Zain Chagla (@zchagla) on the topic of COVID19. Dr. Chagla reviewed the up-to-the-day evidence on #COVID19 diagnosis and management, with full critical appraisals of the most recent literature.

The full talk and discussion is archived on YouTube: youtu.be/m0TyZW1x83Y?t=2

At that link in the comments there are links to his slides as well as some of the Q&A answers that we could not cover.


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 14

Saturday, March 1, 2020

Welcome to Episode 14 of our MacEmerg podcast. In this episode we feature:

1) Dr. Leila Salehi from William Osler is interviewed (by our Bramptonian Correspondent Dr. Prashant Phalpher) about her research on ED overcrowding.

2) Dr. Lauren Cook-Chaimowitz (PGY4 and chief resident)talks about her Point-of-Care Ultrasound fellowship experience with Dr. Joana Dida.

3)We also feature another Teaching that Counts (segment 6) by Drs. Alim Nagji and Teresa Chan. This time they discuss Diagnosing the Learner.


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 13

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Happy birthday to us!! This is the 1-year anniversary (and episode 13) of our MacEmerg podcast. Thank you so much for tuning in - and if you have time, please drop us an email with your feedback (or birthday memes) at macemergpodcast@gmail.com.

This thirteenth episode features three segments that should really get you jived about making change!

In this episode we feature:

1) Dr. Michelle Welsford is interviewed about her perspectives on Women in Medicine. A woman and a physician-leader herself, Dr. Welsford speaks about how she tries to encourage others to take up the mantle.

2)This episode features a segment is a Teaching that Counts segment 5 by Drs. Alim Nagji and Teresa Chan. This time they discuss the Anatomy of Feedback.

3) Orthopod/Registrar/Equity Advocate Dr. Simon Fleming (a guest speaker for our #MedEd interest group from Summer 2019) is interviewed by Dr. Joana Dida about culture change in medicine - and how we can stop the bullies.


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 12

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Wishing you a happy new year from your MacEmerg podcast team.

This twelfth episode features numerous guests in one mega segment followed by another one of our regular segments.

In this episode we feature:

1) Dr. Richard Winters, a coaching and leadership expert from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, USA. He visited us in May 2019 to talk about the differences between coaching, mentoring, and teaching.

2) Our own Dr. Jillian Roberge is interviewed in the Resident's Corner about her work on indigenous health education.

3)This episode features a segment is a Teaching that Counts segment 4 by Drs. Alim Nagji and Teresa Chan.


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 11

Saturday, December 1, 2019

Welcome to the MacEmerg podcast. This podcast aims to connect all the faculty members in the MacEmerg family from across the region.

From Niagara to Brampton...from Kitchener-Waterloo to Hamilton... we are going to feature the awesome talent from our region and highlight awesome things that are going on.

This eleventh episode features numerous guests in one mega segment followed by another one of our regular segments.

Our McMaster Children's Hospital Simulation team all piled in with Dr. Kevin Dong to all discuss their perspectives on what makes a ED-based simulation team work. Their team features doctors, nurse educators, RT educator, and a pharmacist. Thanks to Leann Patel, Mandeep Brar, Kevin Middleton, Dr. James Leung, Dr. Mo Eltorki, and Dr. Meagan Doyle.

Also, this episode features a segment is a Teaching that Counts segment 3 by Drs. Alim Nagji and Teresa Chan, wherein we explore the concept of "entrustable professional activities" related to the new Competency-Based Medical Education system that the Royal College has just rolled out.

We also feature shout outs and a special segment about a new project by some of our local area medical students ... ClerkCast!


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 10

Friday, November 1, 2019

Welcome to the MacEmerg podcast. This podcast aims to connect all the faculty members in the MacEmerg family from across the region.

From Niagara to Brampton...from Kitchener-Waterloo to Hamilton... we are going to feature the awesome talent from our region and highlight awesome things that are going on.

This tenth episode features three guests and one new TTC segment:

1) New Chiefs are in town! Drs. Greg Rutledge (St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton - new Chief of ED) and Kuldeep Sidhu (Hamilton Health Sciences - new Chief of ED) speak with Dr. T. Chan about their perspectives on leading clinical teams.

2) Dr. Jodie Pritchard (PGY4) speaks with Dr. J. Dida about global health and what this means for her.

3) Teaching That Counts segment 2 (with TChan and Alim Nagji) on tagging and flagging your teachable moments.


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 09

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Welcome to the MacEmerg podcast. This podcast aims to connect all the faculty members in the MacEmerg family from across the region.

From Niagara to Brampton...from Kitchener-Waterloo to Hamilton... we are going to feature the awesome talent from our region and highlight awesome things that are going on.

This seventh episode features two guests and one new segment:

1) Dr. Teresa Chan interviews the MacEmerg family members (nurses, residents, physicians, administrators, and educators) on the recent on site disaster simulation.

2) Dr. Chad Singh (PGY2) explains his evolution and growth as one of the residents at the forefront of the new Royal College Competency By Design program.


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 8

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Welcome to the MacEmerg podcast. This podcast aims to connect all the faculty members in the MacEmerg family from across the region.

From Niagara to Brampton...from Kitchener-Waterloo to Hamilton... we are going to feature the awesome talent from our region and highlight awesome things that are going on.

This seventh episode features two guests and one new segment:

1) Dr. Jeff Handler (POCUS director at Brampton Civic Hospital) is interviewed by our community correspondent Dr. Prashant Phalpher. We are excited to have our colleagues from the community join us for this great episode. Check out the SHOW NOTES at our website for all the details, since POCUS always needs to be augmented by pictures.

2) The first instalment of a new #MedEd focused segment called "Teaching that Counts" hosted by Drs. Teresa Chan and Alim Nagji

3) Dr. S. Luckett-Gatopoulos (recently graduated PGY5, new PEM staff at McMaster Children's) who speaks about her experiences in developing her expertise in Narrative Medicine.


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 7

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Welcome to the MacEmerg podcast. This podcast aims to connect all the faculty members in the MacEmerg family from across the region.

From Niagara to Brampton...from Kitchener-Waterloo to Hamilton... we are going to feature the awesome talent from our region and highlight awesome things that are going on.

This seventh episode features two guests:

1) Dr. Alex Chorley (Clinical Assistant Professor/CPD Director for MacEmerg)who drops some great clinical teaching pearls;

2) Dr. Ali Mulla (PGY5) who speaks about his experience with his disaster management Master's program.


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 6

Monday, July 1, 2019

Welcome to the MacEmerg podcast. This podcast aims to connect all the faculty members in the MacEmerg family from across the region.

From Niagara to Brampton...from Kitchener-Waterloo to Hamilton... we are going to feature the awesome talent from our region and highlight awesome things that are going on.

This sixth episode features two guests:

1) Dr. Kyla Caners (Assistant Professor/Simulation Director/Founder of EmSimCases.com) who tells her personal story of how she developed her academic niche;

2) Dr. Ashley Lubberdink (PGY5) who is one of our two chief residents for the RCPSC program. Dr. Lubberdink talks about the Clinician Educator Area of Focused Competency program and what inspired her to take this path.


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 5

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Welcome to the MacEmerg podcast. This podcast aims to connect all the faculty members in the MacEmerg family from across the region.

From Niagara to Brampton...from Kitchener-Waterloo to Hamilton... we are going to feature the awesome talent from our region and highlight awesome things that are going on.

This fifth episode features two guests:

1) Dr. Jonathan Sherbino (Full Professor/Trauma Team Leader) who has a few tips and tricks before we head into the high season of trauma;

2)Dr. Paula Sneath (PGY1) who is the lead editor for a series called "Sirens to Scrubs" at the #FOAMed blog CanadiEM.org.


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 4

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

This fourth episode features two guests:

1) Dr. Kerstin De Wit, a thrombosis and emergency medicine physician and leading researcher in the field, is interviewed by Dr. Brendon Trotter. She speaks about the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism and some of her most recent research in this area;

2) Dr. Rakesh Gupta (PGY4) who is a quality improvement (Qi) guru in the making - find out why he does QI ... and why you should too!


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 3

Monday, April 1, 2019

In this episode of the MacEmerg Podcast, we introduce our podcast and feature two guests:This third episode features two guests:

1) Mr. Omar Boursaille joins Dr. Teresa Chan in discussing the role of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms in the future of medicine; 

2) Dr. Alvin Chin (PGY3) who is an internationally renowned knowledge translation infographics designer. Find out about how Alvin got his start, and what he's up to now!


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 2

Friday, February 1, 2019

In this episode of the MacEmerg Podcast, we introduce our podcast and feature two guests:


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.

Episode 1

Friday, February 1, 2019

In this episode of the MacEmerg Podcast, we introduce our podcast and feature two guests:


Click on the play button to the left to hear it play now, or subscribe to our RSS feed by clicking this link. Also find us on iTunes at this link. For non-apple users, check us out on SoundCloud.