Educational Rounds

Residency Academic Half Day

First off, remember that you are always welcome to come to the resident academic half-day sessions on Thursday mornings at Hamilton General Hospital.

The little calendar is a mini-version of what's up in the coming week.

The full calendar for these of these awesome educational events can be found at this link.

We have several other key ways that we organize live, synchronous learning events.

  1. PERC Rounds - Typically held on the third Wednesday of every month, PERC Rounds are an opportunity to ask a local expert questions you've always wondered about, but were too afraid or never had the chance to ask! Prior topics have included ophthalmology, plastics, ENT, psychiatry, and more!

  2. Regional Rounds - On the last Thursday of most months, all McMaster Faculty are welcome to attend our regional rounds. Food is served, but RSVP is required. Amber Leedham is the contact for these events.

  3. Small Group Session - These will be faculty-only events. Some of these sessions will consist of a set topic of discussion (e.g. Orthopedics), 1-2 interesting/practice changing papers, and an invited expert who’s brain we can pick! Naturally there will be delicious food as well! Stay tuned for more details.

  4. REACH scholarship sessions - REACH = Research, Education, Administration, Clinical, and Health Services. Which means if you are interested in any kind of scholarship, we welcome your presence at these rounds. Whether you are an experienced researcher or someone who is just beginning on their scholarly path, this is an amazing opportunity for everyone to share their tacit knowledge and gain experience. These are sessions for those interested in research and scholarship of any kind. Staff, residents, researchers looking to network are all welcome to these events.

  5. Beginner-to-Expert Educator Rounds (BEER) - This is an opportunity for those interested in medical education to connect. Faculty (and sometimes senior trainees) can connect and discuss tricky situations and how to deal with them. We also usually have this at a venue with delicious food.

  6. 10:EM Conference - Our annual conference usually occurs in the fall of each year and aims to bring together the best minds in our region to learn together. Find out more at our website in the spring of each year (