

This unit focuses on competencies the Clinician Educator (CE) will need in order to plan and undertake education scholarship. Education scholarship encompasses:

·    A line of inquiry, new perspective, innovation, or new application in education that is:

Education scholarship can include education research (e.g., discovery) as well as the integration, application, and translation of education concepts and innovations. 

Prerequisites:  Foundations

Depending on the project the candidate may also be required to complete other units.

Competencies Addressed in this Unit 

A CE must be able to: 


1.  Define education scholarship, by

2.  Design, plan, and execute a scholarly project in medical education, by

3.  Describe the ethics approval process by


Suggested Readings



Book chapters

Courses and workshops

Completion of a workshop or course on education scholarship may be valuable. Possibilities include:

Completion of a workshop or course on ethics may be valuable. Possibilities include:

Medical education journals

Online resources