Info for Supervisors

What is the role of a unit supervisor for the CE program?  

Each of the following CE diploma units requires a faculty supervisor.  The role of the supervisor is important, but does not require a large time commitment.  Participating faculty will receive 10 MacFacts hours in the McMaster system for their participation.  

The CE Diploma program consists of 4 mandatory units:  

Each unit is anticipated to take the candidate 2-3 months to complete.  

There are 3 prescribed selective experiences, with each candidate selecting 2 of these 3 units:  

The total duration of this elective time is anticipated to take 6 months.  

Resources for Current Supervisors

Unit Supervisor FAQs 

If you have questions, please contact X. Catherine Tong (Program Director) or Robyn Humphreys (Program Admin).

1. What are the requirements for being a supervisor?

There are no formal requirements for being a supervisor.  Specifically graduate training or formal education roles are NOT required.  If you have been invited to participate by a division/department leader or diploma candidate, it is likely that your experience in a particular education area has been identified.

2. What do I have to prepare?

No formal preparation is required.  A suggested reading list has been already supplied to the diploma candidate.  You can provide recommendations from this list or add your own selected titles.  The meetings are informal discussions around the objectives of the unit.  You have an opportunity to discuss with the candidate their understanding of a topic, your opinion on a subject, or to identify areas that require further investigation. You do NOT need to prepare formal lessons.  Supervisor meetings have parallels to mentorship meetings.


3. How much time will this involved for meetings?

Each unit has a minimum number of meetings required.  These are organized at a mutually convenient time. Mandatory time requirement is only 2-3 hours for a unit:

Core units                                                                         

Elective units 

4. Do I get any credit or stipend for this activity?

Currently there is no financial stipend for the role of CE unit supervisor.  Ten MacFacts education hours are awarded for faculty members in recognition of the time and effort required for meetings, monitoring and advising, as well as completing the unit evaluation. For external/guest faculty, we will prepare a letter from McMaster acknowledging your guest supervision of our current trainees.

5. What is entailed with the Primary Review Form I will complete?

There is a standard template provided.  The candidate unit requirements will be uploaded onto an eDiploma portfolio, which will be available for your review and sign off.  All formative and summative requirements are explicitly outlined in the Royal College requirements for the units.  This process assists with ease of evaluation, approval of required learning activities and documentation.


6. Are there any other benefits in participating in the CE program?

There is the opportunity to collaborate on educational projects, which can assist in enhancing both the CE candidate’s educational portfolio as well as the supervisor.  

The role of mentorship in education is important.  Participation in this program will assist in building your specialty program’s strength and capacity for the Clinician Educator role.  This offers the benefit of further educational projects initiatives and improvements specific to your specialty.

The program plans to organize some evening workshops and group discussions on educational topics of interest.  As a unit supervisor you are invited to participate and attend these events.  We hope to build a larger community of faculty members interested in more formal education study, across all faculties.