Mrs. Nicholson 

Welcome to 6th Grade! 


Teacher Name: Mrs. Christina Nicholson

Dear 6th Grader,

Can you believe it’s almost time to go back to school? We are so excited to start our journey of learning together. Our hope is that you will find joy and new understandings as a sixth grader, sharing your voice and perspective as you learn with your classmates. At the end of this letter, you will find your supply list for returning to school. Here are your teachers for this school year:

Ms. Gilman: English Language Arts (email -

I am happy to introduce myself as your 6th grade ELA teacher! 6th grade is an exciting year in your journey as a reader and writer, and it is my pleasure to work with you as you continue to grow! For ELA this year, we will dive into novels, poems, nonfiction texts, and short stories to learn about reading and writing strategies. With effort, persistence, and embracing learning challenges, we can reach further than we ever thought possible! We will meet as a class, in small book clubs, and you will do a lot of choice reading. We will study and write in different genres including argument, narrative, and information. 6th graders are expected to read at home at least six times a week, for at least twenty minutes. When you get to school, we will give you a planner where you can record your reading! One of our first assignments in September will be to share about summer reading, so make sure you have read at least one book this summer!

Mrs. Nicholson: Math (email -

I am delighted to be your math teacher this year!  In 6th grade we will explore ratios, decimals, fractions, geometry, data analysis, expressions, and equations.  I look forward to diving into these concepts with you, and learning how they make sense to you.  This year you will have the opportunity to join a group of learners to ask questions, share understanding, and challenge your thinking.  I feel honored to be a part of this journey with you.  My goal is to guide you in discovering various ways to think about math and to help you identify what feels comfortable and successful for you.  Our class community will be full of creative and confident mathematicians!  Fortunately, we all think differently, and I look forward to the diverse ideas you will bring to our class.

Mr. Cote: Science (email -

I hope that you all had an A1 summer.  Mine was filled with all things ocean.  I am writing to welcome you back to school. I am really excited to work with you all in the science room this year, where we’ll be exploring earth, life, and space science topics, as well as looking deeper into topics of personal interest.  

What can you expect this year?  The science room will be a safe place for you to be you.  Our classroom will be built around student choice, respect, honesty, responsibility, and a growth mindset.  As a science teacher, I am a huge fan of hands-on learning.  Building models and using the scientific method to find answers to questions that we have about the world will be a big part of what we do together.  You also won’t believe how organized you will continue to become, as you build and maintain a science notebook with 4 separate sections.  

Let’s all look forward to a great year together.  

Mr. Newman: Social Studies (email -

For the second half of the year, you will have Social Studies class. More on that later!

We are so excited to start the school year together. If you have any questions or want to send us an email, please do! See you soon!

Your Sixth Grade Teachers,

Ms. Gilman

Mrs. Nicholson

Mr. Cote

Mr. Newman


6th Grade Supply List Fall 2022