The Art of Construction

"All the world is a laboratory to the inquiring mind." - Martin H. Fischer

The Plumbing students and their vinegar bath

Students show how Lady Liberty's Crown, created in Plumbing, soaks in a vinegar bath to get a historical patina color.

Sculpture of the crown

A student uses traditional plumbing techniques to sculpt the crown.

Mr. Johnson and the Plumbing students

Mr. Johnson works with his students to troubleshoot and brainstorm prototypes.

The Plumbing students and their sculpture stands

Students show off the coat sculpture stands - a collaboration between plumbing and welding.

The base of the crown model
A side view of the crown model
One of the Plumbing students welding the crown together

Creating Lady Liberty's Crown is a Test of Craft to Create a Work of Art

Mr. Carbone, Plumbing Instructor Describes his Students' Work.

One of the welding students and Mrs. Leonard

Mrs. Leonard teaching math in the welding shop

Measure Twice, Cut Once...

"When we can make math tangible, actually see and hold it, true learning and understanding occurs. The often dreaded abstract nature of math becomes real; the connections are made."

Hear Mrs. Leonard share her thoughts on how the Ellis island project is an example of her math teaching come to life.

Leonard - Edit.wav