Art of Food

One of the Recipes for the Ellis Island Exhibit opening day

Students researched traditional cultural foods, ingredient availability and cost and logistics in terms of transport and freshness fo serving to more than 50 guests at the Ellis island opening.

In the picture, right, the Juniors present their concepts and get feedback from their design peers.

One week later... the TASTING! Design juniors visited the kitchen and were amazed at the creativity of the dishes, the authenticity and the students' persistence to get accurate results with their techniques.

From cheese empanadas to a beet and potato Estonian salad, the students share the key idea that food and culture are intertwined.

Chef Alfonso discusses the collaboration.

Alfonso (1).wav

The Challenge to the Culinary Academy

Chef Alfonso and his Juniors elected to take on the challenge of researching and preparing authentic cultural recipes based on the cultural background of the immigrant guests interviewed by the Design Juniors for their Ellis island Exhibit Design.

The Design Juniors and the Culinary Juniors discussing the possible menu
Chef Alfonso talking to the Design Juniors