Looking Ahead:

How the Voices of Hope Shape Our Understanding of the Country We All Share

An Exhibition April 20-September 20, Ellis Island National Museum of Immigration

Group photo with Mr. Heyman

Academy for Design Juniors from the Morris County School of Technology learn first-hand about escape from the Holocaust from survivor, Mr. Fred Heyman.

Hearing the Stories

We interviewed six individuals who came to America - some to escape oppression, some looking for a better life. While every story, like every immigrant, has a unique experience and reason for coming, we identified that resilience, strength and hope are the commonalities we chose to focus on in our work. As you view our website, be sure to view the interviews section and be inspired.

What does immigration and our roots mean to us (shown in symbols, words, and poems)
What does immigration and our roots mean to us (shown in symbols, words, and poems)
The Design Juniors and Mrs. Rathje making a culture museum out of photographs

Academy for Design Juniors working with Local Learning artist-in-residence Lisa Rathje.