Ryan - Online Math

Mathematics is a group of subjects that are similar to what we do here in Montrose and Olathe, to what students learn in almost every country in the world. If you want to go to a 4 year college and study English, History, Art, Nursing, or many other subjects, then you need to get as far as Algebra 2. If you are planning on Engineering, Science, Medicine, and some others, then you should go further in high school mathematics. If you are thinking of 2 year colleges, or going to work after high school, then less math is required, but you have to pass enough classes to graduate.


Online lessons using Buzz. Pre-algebra is available for students who feel that Algebra 1 will be too difficult. If you are willing to work hard so that you catch up on your understanding of some topics, you will get help to learn. Then the next math classes might still be difficult, but you can do well and succeed.


Online lessons using Buzz. Geometry is an ancient type of math. The lessons you will go through are about lines, angles and shapes that have been taught in China, India, the Middle East and Greece for over 2000 years. There are some things that you learned about in middle school, like angles, perimeter and area of 2-d shapes, and volume and surface area of 3-d shapes. This course will go deeper and be about more complex shapes

Algebra 2

Online lessons using Buzz. Algebra 2 is getting close to a very high level of math. For some of your parents, it was not needed to graduate high school or go to college. It is most useful for science, statistics and economics. But if you want to be a physicist or an astronomer, it is definitely not a high enough level of math.


Online lessons using Buzz. Precalculus is definitely not necessary for most college students. Sometimes statistics is a more useful class to take, because understanding statistics lets you be aware of many types of economics and science. Precalculus extends trigonometry by looking at the graphs of sine and cosine. There represent things like AC electricity and the physics of light waves.

Algebra 1

Online lessons using Buzz. Algebra 1 is going to be useful in some ways for your whole life if you learn it well. Like all high school math classes, most people don't need to use it every day, but there will be times in your life where you can set up a solution for a problem you are trying to solve if you still remember how to use algebra. Otherwise you might guess. Guessing sometimes works, but other times it might be way wrong.