Grief Resources

The loss of someone you love has a deep impact on your life. This page has some resources that may help you through the difficult grieving process. School Counselors are here to help connect families to resources or answer questions you might have. Reach out to us through the School Counseling Team page.

Family Nights 2022-2023 General Info.pdf

Online Family Nights to support families

Registration required.

FN SPANISH 2022-2023 General Info FINAL.pdf

Noches Familiares en Zoom

La inscripción es necesaria.

From the National Alliance of Grieving Children

These tips give some advice on helping children through the grieving process. It is important that your child feels comfortable talking to someone about their feelings. It might not always be you and that's okay because you may be processing your grief as well. It is good for children to see important in their lives be role models on how to talk about feelings as well as take care of themselves. Teaching children coping skills is a great way to help them work through grief or any other stresses in their lives. Practice several different strategies to find out what works for you and for your child. Grief is a long process and it's okay if some days are better than others. It's important to maintain routines and ask for help if you need it.

Estos consejos dan algunos consejos sobre cómo ayudar a los niños durante el proceso de duelo. Es importante que su hijo se sienta cómodo hablando con alguien sobre sus sentimientos. Puede que no siempre seas tú y eso está bien porque también puedes estar procesando tu dolor. Es bueno que los niños vean importantes en sus vidas ser modelos a seguir sobre cómo hablar sobre los sentimientos y cómo cuidarse a sí mismos. Enseñar a los niños habilidades de afrontamiento es una excelente manera de ayudarlos a superar el dolor o cualquier otro estrés en sus vidas. Practique varias estrategias diferentes para averiguar qué funciona para usted y para su hijo. El duelo es un proceso largo y está bien si algunos días son mejores que otros. Es importante mantener las rutinas y pedir ayuda si la necesita.

Recurso de National Alliance of Grieving Children

Everyone grieves differently, but children of different ages may experience similiar situations based on their developmental stage. Young children may not understand that death is permanent and you may see them regress in their behavior or become more irritable. School aged children may see death as reversible or may experience more anxiety or concerns about safety. The document explains commonalities based on children's development state and tips for helping children in the different stages with grief.