
Preparation for College & Career

Countdown to Graduation

Planning for graduation begins as soon as you enter Sherwood High School. Be sure to take advantage of everything high school has to offer and to plan ahead. Good decisions follow a timetable, so it pays to get yourself organized.  Click on your grade level below to see a timetable of things to make sure you are on top of during the school year. 

Career Planning

Not sure of what you want to do after high school to earn a living or what to major in when you get to college? Are you weighing going to college vs. entering the world of work? We know that these are not easy questions to answer and some people spend many years doing this type of self-exploration. Ms. Davis and Mr. McGraw can assist you through this process. She can help you get organized, guide you through this process, and answer any questions you may have.

9th Grade - Click here

Summary: What Should Freshmen Be Doing Now?

10th Grade - Click here

Summary: What Should Sophomores Be Doing Now?

11th Grade - Click here

Junior Parent Night on 3/7/24 - Presentation Slideshow

Make your last two years of high school memorable years.

Use the following timetable to help organize the tasks to be completed as you begin your countdown to graduation.



Early Spring



Summary: What Should Juniors Be Doing Now?

12th Grade - Click here 

Late Summer - Winter

Fall - SHS College Application Packet- Seniors Click Here!! | Senior Parent Night on 8/31/23- Presentation and FAQs


What do I do if I applied to a school and now I am deferred? Click here


Summary: What Should Seniors Be Doing Now?

Click here for another checklist resource (broken up into 9-12 grade years)

Suggested College Application & Admission Timeline, by The College Essay Guy- What should you be doing at this time?