Career/Gap Year Planning

Career Planning

Not sure of what you want to do after high school to earn a living or what to major in when you get to college? Are you weighing going to college vs. entering the world of work? We know that these are not easy questions to answer and some people spend many years doing this type of self-exploration. Your College/Career Information Coordinator can assist you through this process. They will help you get organized, guide you through this process, and answer any questions you may have.

Regardless of your situation, doing some research can be extremely helpful. Many of these sites can give you insight on what it takes to become a professional, expected growth of a profession in the coming years, expected range of earnings, and more. The more you know, the more you can visualize your goal and make it a reality. Happy surfing!

Career Exploration

Career Planning Tools in Naviance

The Career Cluster Finder is an inventory that will allow you to match your interests, strengths, and personal qualities with potential career areas or clusters. Your top career areas will be ranked based on your responses.

StrengthsExplorer assesses 10 talent themes for individuals and identifies each student’s three strongest emerging talents, such as Confidence, Dependability, or Future Thinker. It provides explanations of these themes, strategies for capitalizing on each, and action items to help students gain insight into their greatest talents – natural patterns of thought, feeling, and behavior – to leverage in the classroom and in life.

The Career Interest Profiler is an online career interest assessment for students based on Holland codes. It allows students to complete an inventory that analyzes their own interests and pairs the results with potential career matches.

Considering a Gap Year?

2024 Gap Year Fair