Computer Science COURSES

Computer Science is involved in so many areas of our daily life.  At QO we offer two tracks of Computer Science courses, one in CISCO and one in Programming.  The CISCO track introduces students to cybersecurity issues and designing networks/protecting networks and other hardware and physical computing experiences.  The Programming track focuses on gaining a basic understanding of the different areas of CS including the internet, data, cybersecurity, and programming.  The programming courses cover a variety of different areas and languages including basic app development, websites, Python, and Java programming.  All of these classes focus on developing critical logic and problem-solving skills to educate students on how to incorporate and use CS in their daily lives.

CS Teachers:

We encourage you to explore the information and examples of the art from each of the courses below.  

Programming Courses:

CISCO Networking Courses: 

The Advanced Computer Science Signature Programs:

**If FOCS is completed at the middle school, it is recommended that students take Digital Art or Music Technology to earn their Art Credit, these also count as a “5th” course in Computer Science for these students.  Students may also substitute a CISCO or Gaming class to replace taking FOCS at QO.

*Earn three college credits at Montgomery College through the MCPS articulation agreement by earning a B or higher in the articulated courses and completing the entire high school plan.