
Trump Supporters React to COVID Diagnosis

By Norah Bailey

Oct. 21, 2020

President Donald Trump was diagnosed with COVID-19 on Oct. 1, concerning many citizens around the country. However, his supporters remained unwavering in their support of him, despite his failure to respond to the pandemic in a responsible way, resulting in him himself contracting this deadly disease. He has contradicted his task force and the scientist on multiple occasions, as well as failing to relay how deadly this virus is to his citizens. His supporters see his COVID diagnosis as an example of the President’s strength and resilience and remain optimistic about his ability to win the election in November.

The President was sent to Walter Reed Medical Center to undergo treatment for his symptoms, which resulted in his supporters rallying outside of the hospital to show their support for the President and his recovery. They made signs, held up flags, and chanted his name. Among those supporters was the leader of the far-right, neo-fascist group, The Proud Boys, who in the Presidential Debate, President Trump instructed to “stand back and stand by.”

Trump briefly left Walter Reed on Oct. 4 to wave to supporters in the back of a black SUV, being escorted through the street by the Secret Service. Many Americans were concerned about the health of the Secret Service personnel who were in the car with him, but it only motivated his base, it did not encourage anyone new to vote for him, as most Americans saw this act as reckless and irresponsible.

The president returned to the White House the next day, sending a message to the American people that he was recovering well, but many experts say he was on Dexamethasone, a steroid given to COVID-19 patients which, according to Dr. Celine Gounder, can make you feel “like you're on top of the world ... your arthritic aches and pains of age just melt away, you have lots of energy.” Nevertheless, his supporters view him as “immune” to the virus and a tough leader.

On Oct. 10, President Trump held a gathering on the South Lawn of the White House in which he greeted several hundred supporters from his balcony. The Trump campaign has plans to resume rallies as quickly as possible, given his opponent, former Vice President Joe Biden, leads him by double-digits in the polls. Former Mayor of New York, Rudy Guliani is set to hold a rally for President Trump in Philadelphia on Oct. 12, and his supporters are set to attend, despite the President refusing to answer if he has tested negative for COVID since his diagnosis.