
Devious Tik Tok Trend Yields Licks

By Lucas Carlson

October 8, 2021

Social media trends come and go, most of the time to be forgotten as a thing of the past, but this one may be different. A viral Tik Tok trend that arose in late August, just as most of the nation was starting school again, may have long-lasting implications on the lives of middle and high school students across the country. What started out as a somewhat innocent trend where students would record videos of themselves stealing things like soap and masks from their schools slowly turned into something much more “devious.”

The trend, referred to as “devious licks,” “diabolical licks,” “dastardly licks” or on occasion “nefarious licks,” started off relatively harmless and escalated to stealing school buses and vandalizing school property. The trend, which appeared to be dominated by high school students, led to suspensions, expulsions, and even legal charges for some participants. The damage this has caused to the many schools it has occurred at is quite astonishing. Floors and ceilings have been smashed, bathroom stall doors taken, soap dispensers removed and even toilets destroyed or stolen. The trend has cost schools unthinkable amounts of money in repair expenses and some schools have even been forced to close their bathrooms due to the amount of students participating in these social media challenges.

Why are so many students putting their future at risk for an internet trend? The only answer that comes to mind is a desire to fit in and a hope for 15 seconds of internet fame. Kids, mostly of middle school age, are so desperate for the acceptance of their peers that they will make irresponsible choices such as participating in vandalism and theft in order to gain their friends’ approval. Regardless of the reasoning, however, it is evident that the “devious lick” trend has caused lots of harm to schools nationwide and it is fortunate that its time in the Tik Tok spotlight has just about come to its end.