
Art Class Lab Fees

By Ella Spirtas 

December 2, 2023

As of fall 2023, lab fees have returned to AEHS visual arts classes. These fees are defined by MCPS as “a list of curricular expenses by course, subject area, or additional instructionally related items that has been approved…in accordance with regulation. The charges are…fixed annually.” In essence, these fees require students to pay a fixed amount at the beginning of the school year, which contributes to a fund used to purchase course-specific materials. The fees were dismissed for three years in order to accommodate the financial effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on MCPS students and their caregivers. The reinstatement of these fees has created some tension and confusion amongst students as they readjust to this new financial expectation. 

Senior Ben Freund, who is enrolled in Studio 4 Art, said, “I don’t like them, but I think that they are necessary, and if the money is going towards buying nice supplies, I appreciate that. Obviously, public schools should be paying for them, the fees are just a bandaid for a larger problem.” 

This sentiment of reluctant acceptance was shared by VAC student and National Art Honor Society Treasurer Riana Ramoutar, who said she was “not used to them since we started online, and we weren't in the building using the supplies,” going on to say, “Overall I think that they are necessary. I just think they are a little bit surprising.” She also commented on the reason some students have expressed complaints about the fees, stating, “some people are a little bit upset: wondering why [the fees are back]. I was expecting it to be around $10, like for NHS dues, so $40 seemed like a lot.” Evidently, these fees present a big change to class materials and finances, and students feel as though they are a net good but at an unexpectedly high cost. 

Art teachers, however, have a different perspective on the issue. One teacher, who wishes to remain anonymous, commented that “Lab fees were always a thing pre-Covid. What they allow us to do is to provide students with materials that allow them to connect with authentic, real world material, in a kind of more specialized way,” and that fees can “provide us with things you can not get from the school. There are very specific things you are allowed to buy.” The teacher made it clear that the funds are to be used to create a better experience for all students that goes beyond what the school system can provide, as well as allowing for customization of materials based on student interest and need. They also noted that it is very easy for students who need financial support to find options that work for them, stating that “All the student has to do is tell the teacher, for whatever reason, and there is a waiver form that they can fill out.”  

Ultimately, both parties agree that lab fees allow students to receive a fulfilling learning experience when it comes to the arts, although they may disagree on how much is being charged and whether these fees should be paid for by the students or the school system. Nevertheless, better, newer equipment always means good news for students and teachers alike, regardless of whose money is used to purchase it.