Northwood @ Woodward


NHS - including MC2 - moves to holding facility

Beginning in the 2024-2025 school year, Northwood HS and its students will be relocating to the Woodward HS holding facility in Bethesda. The MC2 program will operate as planned at our holding facility along with all other in-house activities at Northwood.

There are currently no major changes to the NHS Middle College program during our stay at the Woodward holding facility.

FAQ: Will MC courses held at NHS continue while at Woodward? 

Yes, our 10th and 11th grade students will take their college courses at Woodward holding facility -- unless planned otherwise for individual students. MC professors will arrive at our Woodward campus to provide their class.

FAQ: If I live closer to the MC Takoma Park campus, can my child still have their 12th grade schedule there?

Students can attend the MC campus that best fits their needs considering class availability, capacity, and eligibility. Students should solidify their best method of transportation to their classes that reflects the commute times.

While MC Takoma Park is the closest campus to Silver Spring, the MC Rockville campus is the closest location to Woodward holding facility.  

FAQ: When will Northwood return to Silver Spring?

It is currently projected that the new Northwood building will be completed and open in the Summer of 2027.