Robotics In 4th Grade

We started our 4th grade robotics journey in October 2017. We started learning about motors and sensors like the Bumper Switch and the Touch LED. Then Emma, Emelda and I, (Mady) learned that we would take the next big step in becoming roboticists. We were going to make a real life ROBOT!!! A robot with motors, sensors and a brain. Not like the little art bot we made in 3rd grade! We were all so excited!

Building a robot came with a lot of challenges. For example, I had to stay in for recess with Mrs. McClure, (our robotics teacher) to organize the parts of our robot. After a lot of naming and renaming, we ended up naming our robot Galaxy. Speaking of names, we had a lot of funny, weird and out of the blue names. Most of the names were combinations of our own names, including the name of a girl who used to be on the team but ended up doing something else (we miss her!). We came up with names like, Gyzememmad, Egme, Wzella and Mr. Good Bar. Galaxy took us all year to build, but it was worth it because we felt a huge sense of accomplishment and pride after we built it.

At the end of the year we had a small party to celebrate our accomplishments. We had come so far! We went from struggles like, “The foam piece is too big,” to, “The motor is not connected with the right wire to the brain!” Our party happened during lunch. Mrs.McClure bought us yummy pizza and cupcakes. During our special lunch we discussed how far we had come and our plans for next year. Next year we would be in 5th grade, our last year in robotics with Mrs. McClure.

To sum it up we were super proud of our accomplishments through robotics but we were sad that we would have to leave the school the following year after we finished 5th grade.

To learn more about our 5th grade journey please click right here to access the 5th grade page by: Emelda.

Parts Organizing

We had a lot of parts!

Building Galaxy

This is an early edition of our first robot in 4th grade, Galaxy. She is sitting next to Emelda's folder, the tool box and a motor/sensor.