The Life of Emma


By: Emma (obviously)

I was born in 2007 one minute before my twin sister Mady. I have a long history with sports. When I was three I started skiing. Now I just got back from Utah and I feel ready for the Winter Olympics! I love skiing hard trails. Although my dad doesn’t allow me to ski off cliffs, I’ve skied many areas with cliffs so bad my dad has to ski in front to make sure I don’t fall of one! When I was four I started playing soccer. We only really played kick the coach and hide and seek. When I was 7 I started gymnastics then I started softball when I was 9. I ended up fracturing my finger playing softball and quit that and gymnastics. Then when I was 10 I started playing in Sam Soccer in rec, on a real team! I scored two goals in my first game! Now I play on a travel soccer team and am really proud to play with my teammates every game!

Other injuries I’ve gotten are… a minor concussion (I don’t really think it was a concussion). At school, my friend jumped onto to me and I stumbled back and fell, the first that hit that ground was my head. I had a big headache and had to be picked up early! Also, during soccer someone shoved me and then stepped on my toe so hard I couldn’t even walk on it for a few days.

Other accomplishments include getting first place in the Market Street Mile Race the first year I ran it. My travel soccer team also recently won 2nd place in our league! I was also really proud when I learned a round-off back handspring in gymnastics (that skill has since left me). Something else I am super proud of is, donating my hair in third grade. I cut off eight inches and continue to cut my hair to keep it short. I think short hair looks better on me!

I also really enjoy art and drawing. I bought a sketchbook in December of 2018 and now, in February of 2019, I can see how I improved as an artist. Another activity I like is reading and writing. My favorite book series are The Underland Chronicles by Suzanne Collins, The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Secret Series! I also love writing my own stories so you can imagine how thrilled I am to be typing my own autobiography. I also love playing with squishies, slime and fidget cubes! They are so stress relieving!

Something I also like is watching movies or YouTube on my computer or TV. Going to the movie theater is fun too! I also love making movies with my sister, Mady. Our ‘company’ is called Twin Studio! We’ve made a few movies: The Murder of the Crows and The Middle. I love being creative and really getting into character.

In my future I hope to get a bachelor’s degree in Emergency Medicine and go to Medical School to become an ER doctor. I want to be a doctor because I want to help people. I know being an ER doctor will probably mean long hours and quick thinking, but I’m sure I’ll get used to the little sleep in middle school (I’ll have to wake up at 6:15 am! That’s two hours earlier than I wake up now!). I was even more inspired when a STEMposium at our school (gathering of fourth and fifth graders) was about a cancer researcher. I hope to go to a college in either Utah or Vermont. Mostly because I want to go skiing in my free time and the views of the mountains are so beautiful. The people in those states that I have met are super nice too.

I came to this school in 2016 and started third grade with an amazing teacher! I absolutely love the environment here! You can tell the teachers really care about their students and fellow teachers. About halfway through third grade, the STEM teacher asked to see me. At first I thought I was in trouble; I wasn’t! She was actually asking me and four other girls if they wanted to be in an all girls robotics team! (two girls have since left our team though.) Of course, I accepted the offer and look where I am today!

Now, in fifth grade I am really looking forward to middle school, even though I won’t be going to a school with all my friends. My sister, our friend and I were accepted into a middle school with, what looks like a spectacular humanities program. It was a hard decision, deciding which school to go to because my sister and I were also accepted into a school with a math, science and computer science program. Eventually, we landed on humanities because the math and science part would be the same as the other school. Our mom also said if we wanted to, we could go to a programming camp if we really wanted to.

I really like the hours after school that I spend doing robotics. Even though I said I wanted to be an ER doctor and not a roboticst, robotics is really fun and allows me to use my mind. Instead of playing on my computer for an hour (which is what I would probably do instead) I get to build, drive and experiment with our robot! I have a lot of fun with my sister and our friend every Thursday!

I also like to collect ski maps and stickers from where I ski. I started when I went to Utah in January of 2018. I don’t know if I mentioned this, but going to Utah was a Christmas present while Mady and our mom went to Harry Potter World. I think going to Utah is the best Christmas present in the whole entire world!

Some other fun facts about me are: my favorite soccer team is the Tottenham Hotspurs! My favorite players are: Harry Kane, Dele Alli, Trippier and Christian Erickson! (this team is from England by the way) My favorite colors are gray, pink and green. For some reason, I am obsessed with white and gray patterns. I also have a YouTube channel that I use to express my creativity by posting funny videos and challenges with my sister. Make sure to subscribe! My sister Mady says my motto is “It’s fine.” However, I tell my friends that my motto is “That’s unfortunate.” My favorite holidays are Christmas and Thanksgiving. I love stuffing my face on Thanksgiving and getting and giving presents on Christmas. I also think I might be allergic to Christmas trees, a least the kind we get. Every winter I get a stuffy nose when we get our tree… But I’ve never had an allergy test done. Lastly, my favorite animal has to be puppies and dogs because they’re so cute and fluffy. Dogs are also such a joy to be around. Did you know dogs can actually be lifeguards and save people’s lives? I know… there are lots of fun facts about me!

Overall, I think I’ve lived a pretty good life so far! I wanted to say, if you have interests or hobbies, I suggest you should pursue them like me! I love all my hobbies such as art, writing, reading, soccer and skiing. Having something you love doing can make you a happier person! I’m not a doctor yet but, I can tell you at least that much. For example, when I’m skiing I’m really not thinking about anything else except the slopes in front of me. Most stories or written responses end with a conclusion (see I love writing), but my life is (hopefully) way, way less than half way over. So… I’ll write this: Thank you so much for reading this autobiography, it really means a lot to me for so many people to see this! Bye for now! - Emma