Meet Mady

Hi! I’m Mady and I am eleven years old and I love robotics. Outside my robotics and school life, I like to do a lot of things. I like to hang out with my friends. We eat candy and have sleepovers. I love to sleep and read. Once I slept for almost thirteen hours straight! My favorite author is Rick Riordan. He writes a lot of mythology books like the Percy Jackson series and the Kane Chronicles. If you saw me at a restaurant, you would most likely see me at Cava. Cava is a Mediterranean place where you can get salads and pitas. I always get a green and grains bowl with olives and feta cheese there.

Now let's talk about sports. I used to play softball. I was pretty good. I pitched a lot and was usually put around second base. The best hit I ever got was a double and I was good at stealing bases too. I also used to take gymnastics. I could do round-offs, backbends and more. I was really close to doing a backhandspring when I decided I wasn't into gymnastics anymore.

My favorite quote is, “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” - Jimi Hendrix. I love hearing inspiring quotes!

I consider myself a very good student, (I hope my teachers agree.) My favorite subjects are math and art. In art, I am very creative and I let my imagination flow. I like all the possibilities in math and all the real world stuff you can do with some simple knowledge. I love to do robotics with my sister Emma and my best friend Emelda. Emma and I started this school in third grade. We have all become very close friends.

When I grow up I want to own a puppy and live in a big house in New York so I can have really good pizza for a low price. I want to be a/an, dentist, astronomer, journalist or mathematician. My dad says if I really put my mind to it, I could be all of those things. I think you can do anything you want to do and be anything you want to be! Right now, I am a patrol in my last year in elementary school. I have a really awesome, funny teacher and the best classmates. I am excited to go off to middle school but sad to leave most of my friends behind. I am proud of everything I have done so far in life. I look forward to the future and I wonder what life will be like in fifteen years when I live in my own house with my own family. Life is filled with joys and wonders, I hope you enjoyed learning more about me! Always believe in yourself! Nothing is impossible.


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