Robotics in 3rd Grade

Third grade robotics was filled with excitement and challenges, even though we were beginners. We didn’t use much technology and focused more on motors, gears and movement; easy things like that. The first project we did in third grade were art ‘robots.’ They didn't look like real robots, but they were powered by motors. The goal was to make the craft stick on top spin, making the cup which was the robot’s body, shake. The markers attached to the cup would shake as well, making scribbles on the paper. Apparently, in our robotics notebooks we wrote that this task was very difficult to us at first. We were ecstatic and over the moon with joy at the sight of our working robots!

Our next project had to do with gears and we really didn’t go far with it. Mady writes in her 3rd grade notebook that, “The most difficult part was the instructions because it was hard to understand.” Now we have bigger fish to fry! -Emma