Parents & Caregivers



Common Sense Media: For Parents

Trusted ratings for families on apps, movies, games, websites, and books.

Common Sense Media: Parents Need to Know

Questions on how to take control of the technology in your kids lives? Try the link above.

Montgomery County Public Libraries: Get a Library Card

Use the above link to get a digital library card or a regular physical card. This card will help you access all digital and physical content at all MCPL branches. 

MCPL cards can be connected to your child's Sora account for access to a wider range of e-books and audiobooks.

Montgomery County Public Library Online Resources

Research, Learning, and Enjoyment Resources, including digital newspapers and magazines. All free with your MCPL library card. 

Do Something performance tasks ask students to demonstrate their anti-bias awareness and civic competency by applying their literacy and social justice knowledge in an authentic real-world context.