
Hours of Operation: 

7:50am - 3:15pm

You may ask permission from an adult in your morning location to visit the media center before school in the morning.

During class time, you must have a pass from your teacher to visit the media center. When you arrive, give your pass to Ms. Greco and sign-in.

If you would like to visit the media center during lunch, you will get a pass from a lunch monitor in the cafeteria and come up the steps by the gym with your lunch.  You will be asked to sign-in when you arrive at the MC.

After you eat your lunch, you may play a board game, check out a book, read quietly, color, do a jigsaw puzzle, or create something using the Makerspace items.

You may check out or return books between 3:00-3:15. If you ride a bus, you may not check out new books at the end of the day.

Circulation Policy

How many books can I borrow?

You may borrow up to five books at a time. Students have the right to decide how many books are right for them during each visit.  Need more books? Just ask!

When are my books due?

Your books are due when you finish reading them. You do not have to return them all at once. You may keep your books for up to three weeks. We want you to read at your own pace.  Need longer with a book? Ask us to RENEW!

Overdue Books

There are no fines for overdue books.  

Students are responsible for returning books on time or coming to the library to renew a book when it is due. If you need more time with a book, talk to Ms. Greco. 

If your overdue books become an issue, we will send notices home to help you find and return your books.

 Staff Roles & Responsibilities

Library Media Specialist

has the chief responsibility for organizing and implementing an effective library media program within the school

The 5 roles of a media specialist are:


MCPS defines the job responsibilities of the school library media specialist in the Class Description: School Library Media Specialist.

Media Assistant

performs the daily routine operations of the media center; is knowledgeable of multimedia technology, and participates in a wide variety of school media center activities

The library media assistant may:


MCPS defines the duties of a school library media assistant in the Class Description:  Media Assistant.

Due by Momento Design from the Noun Project

MCPS School Library Media Programs. sites.google.com/mcpsmd.net/mcpsslmp/home. Accessed 29 Feb. 2020.

Time by Maniacco from the Noun Project