Mental Health Resources

Be Well 365 is a district-wide action plan to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and abilities in six essential areas of physical, social, and psychological development that support academic growth and lifelong personal and career success.

The 6 Essentials:

The 6 essentials are incorporated in the academic curriculum and in regular school day activities, in addition to specific lessons provided by school counselors, school psychologists, health education and other content area teachers and programs.

Visit the Be Well 365 webpage for more information.

SOS Signs of Suicide (English)

Parent Training (English)

SOS Signs of Suicide (Spanish)

Caring Matters 

PWG Flyer Fall 2023.pdf

Parenting While Grieving

Online Workshop Series


Information and registration, contact:

Mabilia Rastello, or 717-800-1631

Mental Health Resources

Where can I learn more about children's mental health?

Always seek immediate help if a child engages in unsafe behavior or talks about wanting to hurt themselves or someone else.  

Refer to this list of local and national resources:  Where To Get Help

It can be hard for families to tell the difference between challenging behaviors and emotions that are consistent with typical child development and those that are cause for concern. In general, if a child’s behavior persists for a few weeks or longer, causes distress for the child or the child’s family, and interferes with functioning at school, at home, or with friends, then consider seeking help.

Listed below are informational resources on a variety of mental health topics to help families and educators support student success.

Mental Health Community Resources

Community Resources

Crisis prevention and intervention services.

Montgomery County Crisis Center
240-777-4000 or walk-in
24/7 immediate response to mental health and situational crises.

Montgomery County Access to Behavioral Health Services
240-777-1770 / 240-777-4710 or walk-in
Assistance with obtaining appropriate outpatient mental health or substance use services for individuals eligible through the public mental health system.

Directory of mental health service providers and resources in Montgomery County.

Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health Services
Outpatient mental health services for children, adolescents, and their families.

Screening and Assessment Services for Children and Adolescents
Substance use assessment and treatment referrals.

Sheppard Pratt Care and Services
Community mental health services and programs for families.

Information and referral service for children birth to 5 years old and their families.

2-1-1 Maryland
24/7 access to over 5,000 organizations and programs across the state that provide community health and human services.

Montgomery County BtheOne
Information on suicide and substance use prevention for teens and their families.

National Resources

national suicide prevention lifeline


safe schools maryland