House District 103

Representative Barbara Drummond

Rep. Barbara Drummond, elected in 2014, is currently serving her second term in the Alabama House of Representatives, representing District 103. Her motto is, “Servant leadership that empowers, enlightens and enlarge opportunities for people.”

As a graduate of one of Mobile’s most historic public schools, Murphy High School, Drummond is a staunch advocate for education, believing that education is the thread that holds and builds a strong physical and business community.

Since being elected to represent District 103, she has faithfully served on the House Ways and Means Education Budget Committee,  House Legislative Educational Policy Committee. Other committee assignments include House Children and Senior Services, Tobacco Advisory Committee, Driveless Vehicle Committee and Oil and Gas Energy Committee. Committee assignments have allowed her to promote legislation that aids in enhancing Alabama’s educational system.


Her passion lies in a desire to see Alabama’s neighborhoods and communities restored through beautification, safe and livable homes and businesses. She has been successful in getting several law passed to assist in Mobile’s neighborhood restoration.

Drummond has served as the co-chair for the Alabama House Democratic Caucus. She was named 2015 Legislator of the Year by the Alabama Democratic Caucus.

Her legislative leadership training includes completing the Center For The Advancement  Of Leadership Skills with the Southern Legislative Conference. She is the former Executive Director of Administrative Services and Community Affairs, a position she held for eight years. 

While at the City of Mobile, Ms. Drummond developed and produced MoonPie Over Mobile, started the city’s first 311 Customer Service Center, and conducted the first automated town meeting.

Prior to the mayor’s office, Drummond was the Public Affairs and Community Services Director for the Mobile County Commission, a job she held for 14 years.

        Drummond is a former reporter with the Mobile Register, where she covered many political, judicial and general reporting assignments.  She was employed with the Mobile Register for 21 years.  While at the Register, Drummond authored a weekly opinion column entitled “My Turn.” 

        She is a graduate of the University of South Alabama, where she received a Bachelor’s of Communication degree.

        Drummond is a graduate of Leadership Mobile and Leadership Alabama.  She has received numerous awards.

She is a member of Delaware Missionary Baptist Church; the mother of one daughter, Roshunda Drummond-Dye and two grandchildren, Ashton and Avery. 

Committee Assignments in the Alabama House of Representatives are: