
The bastard from Sicily

Meo Sicilliano

Characteristics: Int +1, Per 0, Pre -3, Com 0, Str +1, Sta +2, Dex +1, Qik +2

Size: 0

Age: 27 (27)

Decrepitude: 0

Warping Score: 0 (0)

Confidence Score: 1 (3)

Virtues: The Gift; Hermetic Magus; Wanderer; Adept lab student ; Book learner; Privileged upbringing; Tough; Social contacts; Relic; Harnessed magic; Affinity with ability(craft); Puissant ability(Magic theory); Educated.


Weak Spontaneous magic; Blatant gift; Carefree; Heir; Humble; slow caster.

Personality Traits: Carefree +3, Humble +2, Precise +3, efficient -1 Patient +2

Reputations: None.

Twilight Scars: None

Equipment: COMMON CLOTHES; never dry whet-knife; Holy bible(relic); Dagger(brawl),lab text (wizard communion)


  • Dagger (brawl) INIT; 2+0-0(2); ATK 1+5+2(8); DFN 2+5+0(7); DAM 1+3(4); Str -3

  • Dodge (brawl) INIT; 2+0-0(2); ATK N/a; DFN 2+4+0(6); DAM N/a; Str N/a

  • Fist (brawl) INIT; INIT; 2+0-0(2); ATK 1+4+0(5); DFN 2+4+0(6); DAM 1+0(4); Str N/a

  • Kick (brawl) INIT; INIT; 2-1-0(1); ATK 1+4+0(5); DFN 2+4-1(5); DAM 1+3(4); Str N/a

Encumbrance: 0 (0)

Abilities: Awareness (searching) 3; Athletics (climbing); Italian (tools) 5; Latin (writing) 4; Craft* (blades) 5; Puissant Magic theory (enchantment +3) 5+2; Parma magic (ignem) 2; atres liberales(ritual magic) 4; penetration (ignem) 2; Brawl (dagger) 4.

Arts: Cr 4, In 4, Mu 4, Pe 4, Re 4; An 3, Aq 4, Au 3, Co 3, He 3, Ig 4, Im 3, Me 3, Te 4, Vi 5

Spells Known:

  • Ball Of Hellfire (CrIg 30) +20 damage

  • Mother Earths Defence(Mu(Re)Te 25)

  • Parting Wave Of Liquid (ReAq 15)

  • Rain Of Stones(Mu(Te)Au 25)

  • Cloud Of Rain(Cr(Re)Au 30) +1 size

Sigil: All points jagged points made by spells (LOOK razer-sharp)

GM Notes:

  • May or may not be seeking a familiar.