
The failure

Alduin Fisher

Characteristics: Int +3, Per +1, Pre –2, Com 0, Str –2, Sta +1, Dex +3, Qik –1

Size: 0

Age: 26 (26)

Decrepitude: 0

Warping Score: 0 (0)

Virtues and Flaws: Failed Apprentice; Educated; Good Teacher ; Afflicted Tongue; Pessimistic (Minor); Ability Block (Martial)

Personality Traits: Pessimistic -3, Loyal +2, Pious –1

Reputations: None

Soak: 1


⁃ Dagger: Init –1, Attack +6, Defense -1, Damage +1

⁃ Dagger (mounted): Init –1, Attack +8, Defence +2, Damage +1

Soak: +1

Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Unconscious

Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16+)

Abilities: Dutch 3 (Pleasantries), Artes Liberales 3 (logic), Athletics 1 (running away), Awareness 2 (searching), Carouse 2 (rude stories), Charm 1 (witty), Concentration 2 (study), French 4 (rules), Folk Ken 2 (magi), Guile 1 (evading trouble), Latin 5 (big words), Magic Lore 3 (elementals), Magic Theory 2 (copying), Order of Hermes Lore 2 (Peripheral Code), Prof: Scribe 5 (copying), Ride 1 (staying on), Teaching 3 (one-on-one)

Equipment: Quills and ink, Parchment, Dagger

Encumbrance: 0 (0)