Fomrica (Antonia)

The Shield Maiden (Ismail's)

Antonia Of House Chiaramonte

Characteristics: Int 0, Per 0, Pre +1, Com +1,

Str +2, Sta +2, Dex +2, Qik +2

Size: +2 = 1 - 7

Age: 25 (25)

Decrepitude: 0

Warping Score: 0 (0)

Confidence Score: 1 (3)


Knight; Wealthy; Improved Characteristics, Puissant Single Weapon, Tough, Giant blood


Higher purpose (Unite the Hermetic order), Greater malediction (Almost always fail attacks -10 to attacks), Proud (Major), Enemies

Personality Traits: Brave +3, Chivalrous +3,

Proud +3

Reputations: False Knight (+3)


  • Great Shield: Init -2, Atk +0, Def +15, Dam +1

  • Fist: Init -2, Atk -6, Def +5, Dam +1

  • Kicking: Init -3, Atk -5, Def + 5, Dam +4

Soak: +14 (chain mail, Stamina, Tough)

Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Unconscious

Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5

(11–15), Incapacitated (16–20)

Abilities: Animal Handling 2 (falconry),

[Area]Lore 3 (nobles),

Athletics 2 (running),

Awareness 3 (battle),

Brawl 5 (Kicking),

Chirurgy 3 (sword wounds),

Etiquette 1(noble),

Hunt 2 (deer),

Intrigue 3 (Hermetic order),

Leadership 4 (soldiers),

Music 1 (singing),

Italian 5 (giving orders),

Ride 5 (in combat),

Single Weapon* (Great shield) 5+2,

Survival 2 (forests),

Charm 3(Cleavage)

Equipment: Full chain mail, Great


Encumbrance: 4(10)


  • When nobles consort with witches, there is always a cost. In Antonia's case she gained the strength of a great knight at the cost of her accuracy, forever condemning her to mockery and brining shame upon her house.