
Birth Name: Carol Vali Vladimirescu

Languages: Latin, Georgian, Russian

Characteristics: Int 0, Per +1, Pre 0, Com +1,

Str –1, Sta 0, Dex +4, Qik +4

Size: 0

Age: 20 (20)

Decrepitude: 0

Warping Score: 0 (0)

Confidence Score: 1 (3)

Virtues and Flaws: Wanderer; Great Dexterity,

Great Quickness, Improved Characteristics

(x2), Light Touch, Perfect Balance, Puissant

Legerdemain, Puissant Stealth; Avaricious

(Major), Dark Secret; Ability Block

(Illiterate), Compulsion

Personality Traits: Avaricious +3, Daring +2,

Sociable +2

Reputations: None


Fist: Init +4, Atk +7, Def +7, Dam –1

Soak: 0 (Stamina)

Fatigue Levels: OK, 0, –1, –3, –5, Unconscious

Wound Penalties: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5

(11–15), Incapacitated (16–20)

Abilities: Area Lore 1 (rich people’s homes),

Athletics 3 (climbing), Awareness 3 (noticing

whether he is observed), Brawl 3 (getting away), Charm 2 (people who think he’s excit-

ing), Folk Ken 1 (people in authority), Guile

1 (when caught red-handed), Legerdemain 5

(picking pockets), Native Language 5 (being

polite), Stealth 5 (being quiet)

Equipment: Clothes, secret stash of money

that he never spends.

Encumbrance: 0 (0)