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IES Fernando Zobel

  1. The city of the hanging houses


Our sister school - IES Fernando Zobel

CUENCA - UNESCO World Heritage Site

The opportunity for involvement with our new Spanish Sister School IES Fernando Zobel came as a result of a grant from the International Division of the DEECD.

The Spanish Consulate, working with DEECD, encouraged schools to initiate relationships with Spanish schools, due to the high increase Melbourne and Monash Universities have seen in the uptake of Spanish by students.

For our students learning another language is a crucial – especially given the global world we live in and they will work in! The more languages the better! The more connections the more engagement!

IES Fernando Zobel in Cuenca was identified as a suitable school through research and investigation.

In September 2013 a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between our schools and we are looking forward to our collaboration in the years to come.