Participants: students and teachers

Hello everyone!

We are the group of 2º of ESO at the end of a Social Science lesson, that's the reason we are so happy ;)

Can you believe it?

We are preparing our facts. You will have them tomorrow. Could you wait a little longer? Thanks

Here you are! Can you match the facts with the students?

- I’m one of the best football players in my team

- I’m a master playing violin and piano

- I spend some my free time with computer games

- I enjoy roller blading

- I usually take part in eurythmics competitions

- I love climbing trees

- I ride horses very often

- I like tractors

- I support Real Madrid, one of the main Spanish football teams

- I enjoy playing with the Play Station

- I love playing handball with my friends

- I hate to study

- I like every sport

- I go for a swimm very often

- I've got 7 pets! 4 dogs and 3 turtles

- I enjoy dancing the belly dance

- I love kung fu

- I play the trumpet

- I’m a good mountain biker

- I support The Atletico of Madrid, the third best football team in Spain

- I love sleeping

- I have a big mastiff as a pet

- I love reading books of adventures

- I support Barcelona, one of the main Spanish football teams

- I enjoy listening to music.

But we aren't only students. Now you can see the teachers involved in this project

And these are our facts.

- I hate waking up early

- I love to dance

- I love cooking for friends

- I don’t like chocolate