Miguel´s adventures

Here I am now - in Australia, Melbourne, McKinnon!

Hola! Now that I am here for a while, I find some time to write to you all.

I arrived here quite some time ago, but you know what it’s like – so much to see, so much to do!

I am having the time of my life here in Australia.

Arrived finally after more than 24 hours flight - not the best conditions in the cargo hold – but that’s where our kind travels!

Unfortunately they had to give me a check-up in quarantine, but then they let me go – I was really happy to get to my Australian friends!

Thank god, I had my scarf in the luggage. It was quite cold here, when I arrived. Winter in Melbourne is not quite the same as in Spain! You can always have four seasons in a day!

And what a welcome I got! Three crazy women dancing around me, hugging me and said that I was ‘the cutest’ Spanish representative they had ever seen! Turned out they were Ms Binnion, the principal, Ms Kuriata and Ms Fowler. Just look at the photos!

I was introduced to all the teachers and students at the school and they promised me to take me out and show me around.