Performances & Expectations


DARBT means Dressed and Ready By Time.

  • You must be at the "Staging Area" 30 minutes prior to the performance time and stay there, that way I don't have to constantly round all of the dancers up to go over the show. For some shows, I will require you be there 60 minutes prior to the performance time, usually for larger shows or if that is the requirement of the venue.
  • Please always allow yourself plenty of time to find the venue, find parking and dressing rooms, get dressed and get to the staging area.
  • You must be dressed (shoes, cape, wig, rose, vest, socks - whatever, EVERYTHING ON) and ready to go on stage at the STAGING AREA at the specified time.
  • Only assigned parents should be back stage during performances.
  • MID logo'd gear will be worn to all performances before and after.
  • Please behave like professional young ladies and men when you are representing our school. That includes how you talk and what you say to or about anyone within the school or other schools as well as anything or anyone at the venue. Remember, people are listening when you may not think they are and a single person's behavior reflects on the whole group.
  • No complaining! No negativity! Focus on the good parts of the day, your performance, the venue, etc. If you can't do that, go compliment one of your team mates on how well they did something. If you don't have something nice to say, don't say it.

Parents -

Your dancers actually appreciate your enthusiastic response to their performance before, during and after the shows. Don’t be bashful. Clap along and cheer for your McGovern Irish Dance and encourage your friends, family, fans to join in!