Make Sure You are Following These Steps Each Year

Find your Grade Level and start working!

9th Grade - Freshman Year

  • Meet your counselor.
  • Review requirements for graduation and college entrance requirements on the high school website.
  • Make a four­ year plan and make any needed adjustments.
  • Talk with teachers and community members about career interests.
  • Participate in extracurricular such as clubs and sports.
  • Start a list of all jobs, volunteering services, club activities and create a resume.
  • Remember that class rank and grade point average is calculated beginning in ninth grade.
  • Realize that weighted courses are good for college preparation and for increasing your grade point average.
  • Create a College Foundation account. Write down your username and password!

10th Grade - Sophomore Year

  • Schedule an appointment with your counselor to discuss credits earned/needed and future goals.
  • Continue to talk with teachers and community members about career interests.
  • Participate in extracurricular activities, especially those related to career interests.
  • Check into internship opportunities, job shadowing and apprenticeship options.
  • Consider visiting college campuses and gather information on Career and College Promise options at MTCC
  • Plan ahead for taking Career and College Promise program by taking the placement test when offered at MHS in the Fall or Spring.
  • Take the Pre-ACT - offered at no charge to all Sophomores at MHS
  • Take PSAT in October for National Merit consideration and use the score report to study for the SAT
  • Update account at – add any information about award and honors along with extracurricular activities.

11th Grade - Junior Year

  • Meet with your counselor to review graduation progress.
  • Continue to pursue career interests.
  • Continue participation in extracurricular activities and leadership positions.
  • Apply for courses at McDowell Technical Community College during registration period at MHS
  • Prepare for and practice interviewing skills.
  • Keeping adding to your resume.
  • Take community college placement test (if not already taken).
  • Take PSAT in October for National Merit consideration and use the score report to study for the SAT
  • Take the ACT in March – offered at no charge to all Juniors at MHS
  • Take the SAT/ACT at least once during the year. MHS will offer in October, November, and May.
  • Check college websites for specific requirements and deadlines for submitting applications.
  • Update account at
  • Visit college campuses – you are allowed 1 absence during your junior year to visit colleges. You must make an appointment with the admissions office and bring back a note from them to excuse the absence.
  • Organize a notebook on post-high school opportunities. Explore – you can take virtual tours of college campuses and complete career inventories.
  • Attend parent/student college fairs and financial aid workshops.
  • Search for summer enrichment opportunities that will allow you to explore your interests, improve your academic skills, and ultimately give you a competitive edge on your college applications. The counseling office has information on programs available in our region.
  • Get to know your counselors! You will be asking them for recommendations during your senior year!

12th Grade - Senior Year

  • Meet with your counselor to review graduation progress.
  • Continue to pursue career interests.
  • Continue participation in extracurricular activities and leadership positions.
  • Continue with and complete courses at MTCC.
    • Take placement test (if needed).
  • Visit college campuses
  • Create/update resume and practice for job interviews.
  • Check counseling website weekly for scholarship possibilities.
  • Plan ahead for recommendation requests.
  • College Application Week - TBD
  • Complete the FAFSA in October
  • FAFSA Day - at MHS in October
  • Take the SAT - Aug 26th and Oct 7th
  • Take the ACT - Oct 28th
  • Complete college applications.
  • Bring a copy of your acceptance letter and all scholarship money offered - to your counselor.
  • Complete request for final transcript to be sent to your chosen college.

McDowell High School, 600 McDowell High Dr. Marion, NC 28752 (P) 828-652-7920 (F) 828-652-1101