Completed Student Projects

See the great work VCAL students at McClelland college have been up to.

Year Level: Senior

Group Members: Ruth Savea and Aaliyah Venner

Project Description: We raised money for a local childcare center by running a COVID-friendly Prize Draw at McClelland College. The issue we were focused on was the lack of funding for the learning resources in the childcare sector.

How did the project help the community? We raised $284.70 for Hope Early Learning Center in Frankston. We feel that we helped spread the good name of McClelland in the community and helped a local business with important resources.

Year Level: Intermediate

Group Members: Melissa Vrana and Daniel Davies

Project Description:

Making a mini movie of the year 11 projects

How did the project help the community?

It helps the year 10s have an idea on what they will be doing and what new comers will be expecting in VCAL