MAUSD Strategic Plan
Shaping our future together
What is a strategic plan?
A strategic plan is an organization's path forward. It identifies the organization's values and goals, including measurable outcomes that will indicate the organization has achieved the stated goals.
MAUSD's Strategic Plan
For the next several years we will focus our resources on the goals, objectives and measurable targets outlined in this guiding document. Through focused efforts and focused use of resources we will be able to achieve the outcomes we desire for our students as outlined in this impressive body of work we spent two years creating together.
The MAUSD Strategic Plan outlines goals in four areas: Social Emotional Learning and Physical Development; Expertise in Learning; Equity; Community. For each goal area we have 2-3 objectives and aligned measurable outcomes.
In order to manage the work of implementing our Strategic Plan, the Strategic Plan Oversight Team identified two prioritized objectives to drive the work though the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 school years:
Expertise in Learning Objective #2: All MAUSD students will experience an aligned, proficiency-based curriculum with varied assessments that measure and monitor their individual growth and outcomes.
Social Emotional Learning and Physical Development Objective #1: All MAUSD students apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to manage emotions, show empathy, maintain positive relationships, make responsible decisions, and achieve their goals.