Goal: All MAUSD students will learn in equitable, culturally responsive, and inclusive environments.

Objective #1:

All MAUSD students succeed in an environment where race, ethnicity, religion, class, geography, disability, language, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and/or initial proficiencies are not predictors of their academic success and/or social-emotional wellbeing.

Objective #2:

All MAUSD students have access to learning environments supported by equitable facilities and fiscal and programmatic resources.

Objective #3:

All MAUSD students experience inclusive school cultures and instructional practices.

The Work

Meeting our objectives around equity will require our organization to continually develop and improve our data collection systems to identify and address inequalities, including predictors of achievement that inform our ENDS monitoring, and adjust actions as data suggests in order to eliminate inequities as they are discovered.

Through data collection and analysis, we will review and adjust policies, procedures, and protocols to ensure equitable and proactive responses in order to ensure that each of our schools provide high quality curriculum, programs, support services, teachers and administrators. This will serve to emphasize cultural competence, a standard of mutual respect, personalized learning, and research-based strategies designed to promote equitable access to learning. Through our data collection and analysis, we will identify aligned professional learning and coaching experiences for all faculty, staff, and leaders as we develop and implement district-wide collaborative problem-solving approaches to respond when achievement gaps are identified.

Faculty Resources

Diversity and Equity Committee