Parent Correspondence  Jul 2023

7-26-2023 Final Registration - Step 1!

Good Afternoon!

Fun Fact - today is National Aunt and Uncle Day! We are so thankful for the extended family members who support our Knights! 

Fun Fact #2 - the teachers have been coming to school to get ready and the excitement is building around here!  We want everyone to enjoy these last three weeks of summer before school begins, and we are thrilled to have some opportunities to reconnect with you at Registration and Back to School Knights!  Thank you for choosing Mater Dei and please know that we consider it a privilege and a calling to partner with you in the formation of your children!

Action Items:

Upcoming Events:

News From Around the School:

Middle School Parents, please click here!  Everyone else, you are finished!


Thank you for all you do, God bless you, and have a great day!

Andrea Hillebert

7-17-2023 Motivation Monday, Knights!

Good Afternoon, Knights!

Motivation Monday: today is your opportunity to build the tomorrow you want!  We are working away to create a building that is “new penny shiny” and a great place to dream, learn, pray, and play!

***Change to the supply list!  Please do NOT purchase any Lysol wipes! We have had a donation of all the Lysol wipes we will need for the upcoming school year (and maybe longer)!  If you have already purchased some, please use them at your home.  We are committed to keeping the supply list manageable for our families!

Action Items - so many ways to help out!

Upcoming Events - we would LOVE to see your beautiful faces!

Links From Around the School:


Thank you for all you do, God bless you, and have a great day!

Andrea Hillebert

Mater Dei BBQ and Birthday Bash 2023!