Minicourse 19 : Carolina Charalambous
Minicourse 19: Carolina Charalambous
PUC Santiago of Chile (Chile)
ccharalambous at
2, 4, 25 of April 2024
Dynamics of planetary systems
1pm-2pm (Rio de Janeiro)
Abstract: In this mini-course we will delve into the intersection of dynamics and astrophysics, elucidating the instrumental role dynamics plays in resolving diverse astrophysical problems. Beginning with a general overview of the Solar System and understanding how planets form, we will cover general problems observed in extrasolar systems as a consequence of their dynamic evolution. We will focus on resonant systems and how these specific configurations might help us understand the origins of planetary systems. The course will be divided into the "chronological" phases of planet formation: early stages when there was still gas in the protoplanetary disk, and for the long term evolution we will analyse the dissipative effects that the star produces on the planets as well as the interactions between the planets themselves. The goal is to have some basic techniques of solar system dynamics together with their application to actual problems, and have some analytical and numerical tools.
Carolina's short biography:
She is originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina. In 2015 she obtained my degree in Astronomy at the National University of La Plata.
She finished her Ph.D. in April 2020 in Celestial Mechanics and Planetary Sciences at the University of Cordoba, Argentina, were she also did a 1 year post-doc in the Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Astronomy, both with a fellowship from CONICET.
During 2021 and 2022 she did a postdoc at the University of Namur, Belgium, and she is currently a FONDECYT postdoctoral fellow since January 2023 at the Pontificia Universidad Catolica, Chile.
Her personal website and her linkedin profile:
Video of Lecture 1 : 2 of Aprli 2024
Video of Lecture 2 : 4 of April 2024
Video of Lecture 3 : 25 of April 2024

Lecture 1

Lecture 2