Mini-course 5 Jaqueline Siqueira
A Brief Introduction to Ergodic Theory

Lecture 1 - 17 of August 2021

Lecture 1.pdf

Lecture 2 - 19 of August 2021

Minicourse5-Jaqueline_Lecture 2.pdf

Video of Lecture 3 24 of Augut 2021

Video of Lecture 4 26 of August 2021

Some references:

Professor Corinna Ulcigrai (in English)
Lecture notes - Part 1 - Examples of dynamical systems
Lecture notes - Part 2 - Topological and Symbolic Dynamics
- Lecture notes - Part 3 - Ergodic Theory
- Chapter on Continuous time dynamical systmes: a quick journey time

A basic reference in Portuguese : Krerley Oliveira,
Um Primeiro Curso sobre Teoria Ergodica com Aplicações
