Google Meet

Google Meet is a tool that instructors may use to conduct videoconference meetings that integrate with other Google tools for online collaboration.  You may access Google Meet when logged into your MATC Gmail. You may share a link to a Google Meet session with students through Gmail, Google Calendar, Blackboard, or course documents.

Technical Requirements

To use Google Meet, you will need:

Creating a Google Meet Session

When you are logged into your MATC Google Apps, go to Google Meet  and use the on-screen tools to create or schedule a meeting. Once a meeting is scheduled, you can share the meeting link with students. Additional information about scheduling Google Meet meetings is available here.

Joining a Google Meet Session

Netiquette for Online Meetings

Quality Audio is Important 

We recommend purchasing a good quality headset microphone or earbuds to ensure that participants in a videoconference can hear you and that you can hear participants without any background noise. Affordable microphones or earbuds are available for purchase online or at your local Walmart.

Prepare in Advance 

Review any instructions, the meeting’s agenda, and expectations for participation well in advance of the meeting. Whenever possible, log into the session 10 to 15 minutes early so that you can install any needed software applications specific to the tool being used and so that you can resolve technical problems before the meeting begins. Plan on connecting to an online meeting in a quiet space and turn off your cell phone so that there are minimal distractions while the meeting is in progress. 

Active Participation is Required 

Treat an online meeting just as you would a traditional face-to-face meeting. Be an active participant. Use the provided chat and feedback tools, but wait your turn to contribute to spoken conversation. While other participants in the online meeting speak, please mute your microphone so that background noises in your area do not disrupt the conversation. Never interrupt or talk over other participants.