Chapter 5: Divide Decimals

5.NBT.A.2 - Explain patterns in the number of zeros of the product when multiplying a number by powers of 10, and explain patterns in the placement of the decimal point when a decimal is multiplied or divided by a power of 10. Use whole-number exponents to denote powers of 10.

5.NBT.B.7 - Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to hundredths, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used.

Click on the Quizlet button to access the vocabulary words that you will need to know in Chapter Five

Chapter 5 Vocabulary

  • decimal point - a symbol used to separate dollars from cents in money, and to separate the ones place from the tenths place in a decimal

  • dividend - the number that is to be divided in a division problem

  • divisor - the number that divides the dividend

  • equivalent fractions - fractions that name the same amount or part

  • estimate - a number close to an exact amount

  • exponent - a number that shows how many times the base is used as a factor

  • quotient - the answer to a division problem

  • remainder - the amount left over when a number cannot be divided equally

Lesson 5.1 - Algebra: Division Patterns with Decimals

Students will find patterns in quotients when dividing by powers of 10.

IXL Practice (click on the links below)

Divide by powers of ten

Decimal division patterns over increasing place values

Divide by a power of ten decimals: find the missing number

Lesson 5.2 - Investigate: Divide Decimals by Whole Numbers

Students will model division of decimals by whole numbers.

IXL Practice (click on the links below)

Divide decimals using area models: complete the equation

Lesson 5.3 - Estimate Quotients

Students will estimate decimal quotients.

IXL Practice (click on the links below)

Division with decimal quotients and rounding

Estimate decimal quotients

Lesson 5.4 - Division of Decimals by Whole Numbers

Students will divide decimals by whole numbers.

IXL Practice (click on the links below)

Division with decimal quotients

Lesson 5.5 - Investigate: Decimal Division

Students will model division by decimals.

IXL Practice (click on the links below)

Divide decimals using blocks: complete the equation

Lesson 5.6 - Divide Decimals

Students will place the decimal point in decimal division.

IXL Practice (click on the links below)

Divide by decimals

Lesson 5.7 - Write Zeros in the Dividend

Students will write a zero in the dividend to find a quotient.

Lesson 5.8 - Problem Solving: Decimal Operations

Students will solve multi-step decimal problems using the strategy work backwards.

IXL Practice (click on the links below)

Division with decimal quotients: word problems