Learn, Create, Connect

News and Updates from the MASD Technology Integration Committee

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

End Of The Year Edition

Digital Learning Highlights 2017-18

Reminders for the End of the Year - Google Classroom, Seesaw, Teacher Webpages

Summer Learning Opportunities for Teachers

BrightBytes 2018

(See the "Previous Issues" tab at the top of the page for prior editions.)

Digital Learning Highlights 2017-18

As we began introducing our new digital learning curriculum this year, teachers across the district explored ways to leverage technology to enable students to become Empowered Learners, Digital Citizens, Knowledge Constructors, Innovative Designers, Computational Thinkers, Creative Communicators, and Global Collaborators. Check out the links below to see just a few examples of their work!

End of the Year Reminders

As you prepare to clean up your physical classroom, here are a few considerations for your digital classroom spaces as well.

Google Classroom

While there's nothing you HAVE to do with your Google Classrooms at the end of the year, if you want to organize things a bit before next year, click here for some helpful tips.


Seesaw for Schools users should have already received an email with instructions for their Seesaw classes for the summer. To reiterate, please DO NOT archive or delete your classes or remove any students from your classes. This will all be done at the district level prior to the start of the 2018-19 school year. This is especially important this summer, because of the larger-than-usual number of teachers moving from one building to another. Also, please do not create new classes over the summer in preparation for next year. We will take care of getting all of your Seesaw classes set up in the correct schools in August. For more information about preparing your Seesaw classes for summer, check out the video.

If you have students who will be moving to another school next year - and that's more than usual this summer - you should communicate with those families about downloading their students' Seesaw journals so they don't lose access to their work. You can send families this link with directions for downloading student journals: https://help.seesaw.me/hc/en-us/articles/208754866-How-do-families-download-an-archive-of-their-child-s-work-

Teacher Webpages - Final Reminder

Just a final reminder that access to our old Edline webpages will end on June 30th. If you are still using your old page, please be sure you have saved any links or files you wish to keep.

You can use this link to access the old page: http://www.edline.net/pages/mechanicsburg_asd.

If you are just getting started with the new Edlio webpage system, here are a few online resources that might be helpful:

If you'd prefer face-to-face help, please contact Anne Reardon before the end of the school year to set up a time to learn about recovering information from your old page and making the move to Edlio.

FREE Summer Learning Opportunities

If you're looking for ways to keep your professional learning going throughout the summer, here are a few free options you might want to consider. Click the links below for more information.

Face-to-Face Events

EdCamp Hershey - June 18th, 8-3, Hershey Middle School

An EdCamp is an "unconference". The sessions are organized that day, based on input from the participants. If you've never attended an EdCamp, I highly recommend it! EdCamp Hershey is well-organized and attracts a wide variety of educators from all over the area - and they have chocolate! Click here for information and here to register. Don't wait too long...it's free, but space is limited.

Adams County Teaching and Learning Conference (#ACTLC18) - June 19th, 8-3, Bermudian Springs High School

Two of our own are presenting at this one. Go to support Sarah George, Elementary Librarian, and Brooke Markle, 7th Grade English Teacher as they represent MASD and find some other sessions that interest you, too. This conference isn't just for teachers in Adams County! Click here to see the schedule and here for registration information.

Online Opportunities

There are dozens of Twitter chats happening every day on a wide variety of educational topics. Click here to find the schedule and check one out. It's okay to just "lurk" the first time, but you'll definitely get more out of it if you join the conversation. For more information about Twitter chats, click here.

#ISTE18 - June 24-27

The International Society for Technology in Education holds its annual conference in Chicago from June 24-27. You might not be able to attend in person, but there are still several ways to learn along with the thousands of people who will be there (and without having to deal with the crowds!). Follow the hashtags #ISTE18 or #notatISTE on Twitter and/or Instagram. Many of the presenters and attendees will tweet links and videos from keynotes and sessions. This can also help you develop your own professional learning network, as you can follow presenters and others who are sharing their learning. Check out this article from ISTE for more ways to learn when you're #notatISTE.

In March, I reminded you of the great resources available in Discovery Education. But did you know they offer Professional Learning resources, too? I recently attended a workshop by Discovery and learned about their "Spotlight on Strategies" section. SOS features dozens of instructional strategies to help you make the most effective use of digital media in the classroom. The strategies are all "by teachers, for teachers" and are presented as short (1-2 minutes) video clips. There are some familiar ones - Snowball Fight, Six Word Story - but there are also some great new ideas that are interesting twists on familiar research-based instructional practices. If you're looking for some new ideas to invigorate your teaching next year, spend a few minutes scrolling through SOS. The strategies are organized by skills: Assessment, Questioning, Research, etc., making it easy to find something to suit your needs.

You can click here to get started, or from your Discovery Ed homepage (My DE), hover your mouse over the "D" with the globe in the top left corner and then choose "Professional Learning" from the menu. Scroll down the page and choose "Spotlight on Strategies" from the Strategies and Resources section. If you don't yet have a district Discovery Ed account (or can't remember your login), contact Anne Reardon to get started.

BrightBytes 2018

Check back in the fall for details about our 2018 survey results.