Evaluation & Reporting

Hello TUPE Coordinators

This page includes guidance for Evaluation and Reporting and links to online evaluation surveys and the online reporting system. An overview of responsibilities is reviewed in the document below. 

Click on Evaluation or Reporting in the definitions below to access information and tools on each of these important responsibilities. 

Important Definitions

Evaluation: This is how we assess how our programs are working, generally through SURVEYS that you administer after your workshops or other interventions.

Reporting: This is how we document all the great work that we are doing so we can count it towards our outcomes for the grant that gives MCOE money to do TUPE work. 

For further guidance or contact Jackie Davis at davisjaclynn@gmail.com

What are your Site Coordinator's responsibilities for Evaluation & Reporting? 

 Read this 2-pager, below, to get a sense of why we do evaluation and reporting, and what you need to know to get started on it.

MCOE Evaluation & Reporting