Developmental Changes

Muaaviya Iqbal

Muaaviya Iqbal is 14 year old boy .He is from Middle class family and having severe Intellectual Disability. He does not sit at one place due to his hyperactivity.

Ha has been coming at Saath- Saath since 2019. He has a lot of behavioral issues like

  1. teasing and beating their peer group members.

  2. doesn't involved in classroom activities.

  3. Also having issues in performing day to day life activities (ADL)

After getting admission in center his parents doesn't send him there. The concern of his parents was that if his son come in the center then he starts to behave like special students but after getting counselling, they starts to send him . After some time Muavvia shown a splendid changes and learn a lot of things from there.

Best wishes for his future.

Lukesh yadav

Lukesh Yadav is a girl. She belongs to a middle class family. She have Multiple Disability. She joins Saath-Saath (QOL) in year 2017. She has many behavioral issues as below

  1. She doesn't interact with her peer group

  2. She doesn't like to share her things,

  3. She doesn't involve in gross motor and fine motor activities.

  4. She does not perform activity of daily living.

After joining Saath-Saath, Lukesh shows drastic change in her behavior. She starts to work on her desirable behavior. She performs activities like relaxation and meditation for half an hour daily. At lunch time students shared food with each other, the teacher told her to share food with friends. She learned a lot of things from there like sharing, caring, friendship and many more. Best wishes for her life for future.